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Top Fashion Stories of the Week: June 29

Top Fashion Stories of the Week: June 29


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This week's fashion headlines were about new creative directions, Olympic partnerships, football kits, new Pride Month releases and new campaigns.

Leading the way, Lanvin filled its vacant creative director role with Peter Copping, who has extensive experience designing for brands like Louis Vuitton, Nina Ricci, Oscar de la Renta and Balenciaga. Elsewhere, Kim Kardashian's SKIMS reunited with the American team for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games; Y-3 equipped the Japanese Football Federation and Bella Hadid became the new face of Saint Laurent.

Ultimately, Nike shares fell after the brand shared discouraging projections for the current quarter and JW Anderson launched a pigeon-filled, internet-friendly Pride capsule.

Below, Hypebeast has rounded up the best fashion stories of the week so you can stay on top of industry trends.

Lanvin appoints Peter Copping as its new creative director

On Thursday, Lanvin named Peter Copping its new artistic director. The designer, who graduated from Central Saint Martins and the Royal College of Art in London, has previously worked for fashion houses such as Louis Vuitton, Nina Ricci, Oscar de la Renta and Balenciaga. He will officially take the reins of Lanvin next September.

In a statement, Copping said: “Jeanne Lanvin was a visionary of her time whose interests and passions extended far beyond fashion, as did my own. I am extremely honoured to have been chosen as artistic director of Lanvin and to be able, together with the atelier and teams, to write the next chapter of this iconic house.”

SKIMS reunites with Team USA for partnership around the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games

Following previous capsule collections from the Tokyo 2020 and Beijing 2022 Games, SKIMS has reunited with Team USA for an expanded range of underwear, sleepwear, loungewear and more for the Olympic and Paralympic Games in this summer in Paris. The partnership will include, for the first time, men's, swimming and adaptive models.

“Our shared mission to empower everyone really shines through in this year's collaboration with the addition of our men's styles to reimagine our adaptive underwear,” Kardashian said of the collection in a statement.

To celebrate the return of collaborations, the Greg Swales-directed campaign features Olympic and Paralympic athletes, including gymnast Sunisa Lee, track and field stars Fred Kerley, Nick Mayhugh and Gabby Thomas, as well as swimmers Jessica Long and Caeleb Dressel. On a red Team USA kit, each athlete carries the American flag in a pose that references their respective sport.

See the full collection here.

Y-3 equipped the Japan Football Federation with jerseys and cultural clothing

Building on his fashion-forward sportswear range, Yohji Yamamoto and adidas' Y-3 brand have teamed up with the Japan Football Federation to create a series of on-field kits and 'cultural wear'.

The range includes a flame blue 'Home' jersey, which leaked earlier this month, as well as a white and red 'Away' kit, which includes matching shorts in both colours. The off-pitch range, meanwhile, adopts similar designs on long-sleeved pre-match jerseys, reversible souvenir jackets, scarves and more.

The full range will be available via adidas CONFIRMED on July 1st.

Nike stock price fell dramatically on disappointing fourth quarter results

Nike shares fell more than 20% on Friday after the company reported disappointing financial results for the fourth quarter of fiscal 2024.

The sportswear giant reported revenue of $12.6 billion for the period, 2% below analysts' expectations of $12.84 billion. It was also below last year's report, which included revenue of $12.8 billion. The news is just the latest for the brand, whose stock price has fallen 13% since January.

Nike also forecast a 10% decline in sales in the current quarter. Analysts had previously estimated the company's sales would fall 3%, which is why the brand's much broader forecast led to a bigger drop in shares.

JW Anderson celebrated Pride with a pigeon-inspired capsule

On Tuesday, JW Anderson presented a Pride collection that seemed entirely aligned with the eponymous designer's universe.

Pigeons are everywhere in the collection, which includes a slew of tees, tank tops, sheer tops, polos, sweatshirts, swimsuits and more. The line’s tagline, “Won’t you be my pigeon? Chirp loud. Live Proud,” sums up Anderson’s kitschy modus operandi for this year’s Pride month.

The central bird appears alongside illustrations by artist Pol Anglada, which depict gay couples kissing outside the JW Anderson store during a Pride celebration.

See the full collection here.

Bella Hadid becomes the new face of Saint Laurent

Bella Hadid became the new face of Saint Laurent this week, appearing in her first-ever campaign for the house. Shot by Gray Sorrenti, the image shows the new-age model in a sheer white dress with a lace collar and black belt. A fur coat is thrown over her as she lies on a pink satin bed.

Earlier this year, Hadid stepped out at the Cannes Film Festival in a sheer Saint Laurent gown, hinting at a deeper connection to the high-fashion brand. Read more about the campaign here.




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