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J.Crews Summer Vacation Staples Starting At $8

J.Crews Summer Vacation Staples Starting At $8


J.Crew is known for its effortless go-to pieces, especially during the summer. From lightweight, breezy blouses to comfy ribbed midi dresses, the popular brand never seems to run out of classics. That's why I nearly jumped out of my seat when I saw that its sale section is offering an extra 60% off with the code. JULY at checkout. I'm packing for a beach vacation, so I'm taking the opportunity to buy some easy-to-carry everyday essentials that will last me from vacation through the end of summer.

With over 1,000 items on sale, finding the best pieces was a challenge, but one I was certainly up for. I've rounded up the best lightweight summer dresses, flowy shorts, basic tanks, comfy beach sweaters, and more, with options starting at $8. Keep reading to discover my must-have comfy summer essentials from the J.Crews sale section, all under $50.

Cross back midi dress

J Crew

Traveling in a matching set or comfy dress is a must, so I couldn't have added this striped midi from the J.Crews sale section to my cart any quicker. The dress is the perfect length for traveling and the stretchy, ribbed material is very comfortable. One reviewer wrote that the dress hugs the body without being tight. Of course, the plane is far from the only place for this summer essential. The midi dress can be dressed up or down and the crossover back adds a fun, extra detail.

Mini beach shorts

J Crew

I'm convinced that flowy beach shorts are one of the chicest summer staples. Layer them over your swimsuit with a loose button-down shirt and flip-flops, and you'll have an outfit that will last you through your entire vacation. These lightweight shorts are made from 100% cotton, so comfort is guaranteed.

New Capri flip flop sandals

J Crew

Finding inexpensive sandals that don't give you terrible blisters isn't easy, but these leather flip flops might just do the trick. The square toe adds a touch of elegance to these otherwise simple sandals and can easily be worn for a day at the beach or a dinner out. Shoppers say the flip flops are very comfortable, with one reviewer noting that they're so light and easy to slip on, making them the next best thing to bare feet.

Textured Turtleneck Sweater with Tie Back

J Crew

There's nothing better than relaxing in a light sweater after a day in the sun, right? This classic J.Crew silhouette fits the bill, and it's been updated with a keyhole detail on the back. The bright blue and crisp white striped sweater is just the right amount of nautical style without going overboard (no pun intended).

Square Neck One-Piece Swimsuit

J Crew

As someone who prefers one-piece swimsuits, I was thrilled to see this simple yet stylish swimsuit on sale. The square neckline design and high-cut legs are both on-trend this summer, but the black hue gives it a timeless feel. The swimsuit also features adjustable straps, and shoppers agree that it's flattering and comfortable. A version of the swimsuit for long torsos is also on sale.

Ruffled beach dress

J Crew

This airy beach dress can be used as a beach cover-up or for a casual summer dinner with a jumpsuit underneath. The comfortable, flowy style features adjustable straps and subtle ruffle details, and the lightweight material makes it easy to pack for a summer getaway. One reviewer wrote that they bought it to take to Greece, while another said it was the perfect vacation outfit.

New favorite tank top

J Crew

Every summer wardrobe needs a go-to tank top to throw on when in doubt. Aptly named the New Favorite Tank Top, this ribbed tank features a slight stretch and a high neckline. While light gray is a classic, the top comes in seven different colors, and with the extra 60% off, it's a real bargain.




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