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Olivia Culpo wears a Dolce&Gabbana dress at Christian McCaffrey's wedding


Hello, Mrs. McCaffrey!

Olivia Culpo said “I do” to San Francisco 49ers player Christian McCaffrey on Saturday in her home state of Rhode Island.

The former Miss Universe walked down the aisle in a sophisticated long-sleeved ball gown by Dolce & Gabbana, featuring a crew neck and buttoned back. She topped it off with a 5-meter lace veil.

Olivia Culpo married Christian McCaffrey on Saturday in a long-sleeved ball gown by Dolce & Gabbana.
Patriots Photos / BACKGRID
The dress featured a crew neckline and a buttoned back. Patriot Photos / BACKGROUND
Culpo wore it with a 16-foot lace veil. Vogue/Instagram

While many fans on social networks commented expected more glamor from the star, the simple, timeless dress was exactly what Culpo envisioned.

“I didn't want sex to come across in any way, shape or form.” she told Vogue head of her wedding. “I wanted it to feel effortless and like it was complimenting me, not overpowering me. There’s so much beauty and simplicity in it.

She then explained: “When I think about Christian, what he likes and the moments when he thinks I'm the most beautiful, it's absolutely something like that: timeless, covered and elegant.”

Ahead of her wedding, the model told Vogue that she wanted a simple, timeless look. Olivia Frances Culpo Instagram
“I didn’t want it to smack of sex in any way,” she noted. Olivia Frances Culpo Instagram
There is so much beauty and simplicity, she added. Olivia Frances Culpo Instagram

The 32-year-old model kept her makeup and jewelry minimal, letting her sparkling oval engagement ring from Ring Concierge take center stage. She wore her brunette hair down.

McCaffrey, 28, looked dapper in a traditional black suit.

It's no surprise that the couple chose classic looks that complemented each other.

McCaffrey, for his part, wore a classic black suit. Page six
Their wedding took place in Rhode Island, Culpo's home state. Patriot Photos / BACKGROUND

During their previous romantic getaways, the couple has rocked matching outfits. In the weeks leading up to the nuptials, the couple posted numerous photos showing off their wedding-themed outfits, including a matching white ensemble that Culpo wore on her trip.

McCaffrey and Culpo also went with retro inspired sets as they got their marriage license on Wednesday, with the NFL pro sporting a beige double-breasted suit while the beauty queen wore a white skirt with a birdcage veil.

Unsurprisingly, Culpo opted for several looks for her big day.

The former pageant queen changed her look throughout her wedding night.
For her reception, she wore a flowy, ethereal dress with off-the-shoulder sleeves and floral embellishment across her chest. FilmMagic
She wore a corset-style bodysuit and a sheer mini-shirt with visible boning for the after-party. Olivia Culpo/Instagram

Her reception dress was a flowing, darling cut that she described as “ethereal.” She added a rose to her chest and wore a scarf around her neck that fell elegantly to the floor behind her.

The beauty pageant titleholder opted for something completely different for her afterparty, opting for a strapless bodysuit worn under a transparent skirt. The voluminous skirt was structured with white boning, allowing it to bubble around her. It was also decorated with floral ornaments.

Her reception and after-party dresses were also custom Dolce & Gabbana.

The newlyweds have been together since 2019.
Olivia Culpo/Instagram
The NFL star pooh-poohed the issue in 2023.
Getty Images for AT&T

Culpo, who made several lifestyle changes before her wedding day, and McCaffrey began dating in 2019 and got engaged in 2023.

The “Culpo Sisters” star is often seen supporting her athletic beau at his soccer games, showing up in the stands wearing a variety of standout outfits including custom coats and bustiers.

Congratulations to the happy newlyweds!




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