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Preview of Trendstop Paris Men's Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2025

Preview of Trendstop Paris Men's Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2025


Trendstop offers FashionUnited readers a sneak peek at some of the highlights of the Spring/Summer 2025 collection from the men's edition of Paris Fashion Week. Parisian fashion shows have become a celebration of diversity and multiculturalism, as big names and influential figures have intertwined the different elements of their heritage into cohesive and expressive collections. Inspired by summer travel, there was an emphasis on versatility, with pieces ranging from work uniform to airport lounge to poolside.

Preview of Trendstop Paris Men's Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2025

Louis Vuitton

A global, multicultural mindset was evident at Louis Vuitton as flags from around the world flew from the UNESCO House rooftop podium. Travel wear covered daily commutes to far-flung destinations with pilot-inspired outerwear, city suits and adventure sportswear paired with luxe carry-ons and aviator sunglasses. Soft tracksuits and buttery leathers offered jet-set comfort. Neutral hues reflecting the range of human skin tones were joined by a colorful geo print of snakeskin and camouflage made in collaboration with Air Afrique, a cultural platform dedicated to the arts of the Afro diaspora.

Trendstop Paris Men's Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2025: Preview

Bianca Saunders

Inspired by Jamaican tourist culture, London-based Bianca Saunders returned to Paris with The Hotel collection of international and local nostalgic references. Vintage British work uniforms and suits have been reimagined, ready for a holiday in the sun. Rugged denim and sturdy boots were joined by knotted totes, tote hats, and lightweight silk tops and pants merging the two concepts. A bright color palette and manipulated striped prints enhanced the Caribbean vibe.

Preview of Trendstop Paris Men's Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2025

Wales Bonner

Grace Wales Bonner also traveled to the Caribbean, drawing inspiration from her Jamaican heritage and incorporating tropical prints from Trinidadian designer Althea McNish. Motifs of indigenous flora and fauna were translated onto Wales Bonner’s modern silhouettes, including tailored suits and sportswear. Genderless bodycon satins mixed with rustic speckled knits, paired with swimwear and beach shorts for a vacation vibe. Lightweight, performance tracksuits and co-ords paired with Adidas collaboration sneakers stayed true to the designer’s street-ready, activewear signature.

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Preview of Trendstop Paris Men's Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2025 is one of the world's leading trend forecasting agencies for fashion and creative professionals, renowned for its insightful trend analysis and forecasts. Clients include H&M, Primark, Forever 21, Zalando, Geox, Evisu, Hugo Boss, L'Oréal and MTV.




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