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Amal Clooney, 46, shines in a flirty floral mini dress as she walks hand-in-hand with George Clooney


I love summer !George Clooney and his wife, Amal, were spotted in St. Tropez last week, with Amal soaking up the glorious sunshine in a flirty floral mini dress.

The 46-year-old put her legs on display for lunch at the popular Jardin Tropezina restaurant, walking inside hand-in-hand with George, 67.

The dress featured spaghetti straps and an asymmetrical hem, and featured a bold Barbie pink and yellow pattern. Amal paired it with nude heels, and George wore a white polo shirt and gray chinos, and at one point, he pulled Amal closer by wrapping his arm through hers.

The two men appeared to be enjoying a refreshing bottle of rosé wine and dessert as they sat outside on the patio.

George and Amal Clooney were spotted enjoying a leisurely lunch at the famous Jardin Tropezina restaurant during their luxurious vacation in Saint-Tropez.
© Rear Grille
George and Amal Clooney were spotted enjoying a leisurely lunch at the famous Jardin Tropezina restaurant during their luxurious vacation in Saint-Tropez.

Their split comes after George finished filming a new project in Italy and took his human rights lawyer wife to the French Riviera and Jardin Tropezina, a beach club and Mediterranean restaurant on Pampelonne Bay.

The restaurant's menu was designed by French chef Jean François Piège and promises Mediterranean dishes that “showcase the freshest local ingredients.”

The restaurant is part of the town's five-star hotels Les Airelles, Château de La Messardire, which occupies a 19th century castle, and Pan De Palais, and with beach access, it also offers private sun loungers and a Bar service, with live musicians performing at sunset and pre-dinner cocktails are available.

Photo of the Jardin Tropezina beach club at the Airelles hotel in Saint-Tropez, where George and Amal Clooney had lunch in June 2024©Instagram
The Jardin Tropezina at the Airelles Hotel in Saint-Tropez, where George and Amal Clooney had lunch in June 2024

The couple divide their time between England, their villa on Lake Como, and the south of France with their twins, Alexander and Ella, seven, who are trilingual.

In August 2021, they bought a house in the quiet French town of Brignoles, an hour's drive west of Saint Tropez. Located in the Var department of France, the sprawling 425-acre property is ten minutes from close friend Brad Pitt's Miraval winery, which he purchased in 2008.

George and Amal Clooney attend the
The couple reportedly planted 172 hectares of olive trees around their French home to protect their privacy.

But Amal and George have not closed themselves off from the community, as reports reveal that they are active members of the local town, often involved in projects that help everyone, including schoolchildren.

Mayor Didier Brmond told Paris Match that George contributed $20,000 to a local business that would encourage farm-to-table connections between the community and schools.

View of a small narrow street in the town of Brignoles in Provence, southern France© Alamy
Amal and George live in the town of Brignoles in Provence

“George Clooney told me he wanted to help Brignoles, a bit like he did for Le Val during the floods in 2021 by offering a check for 20,000 euros,” he explained to paper“I told him about my idea of ​​a farm where we would produce fruits and vegetables for the schools in the community. He accepted immediately.”

Mayor Bremond added that the plan includes an outbuilding, greenhouse and agricultural equipment to be installed in one of the area's empty fields to create a fully sustainable farm-to-table operation. that George was eager to contribute financially but also with his time.

“He wants to follow the project in the long term by buying seeds from us, for example. He is very interested in this because the farm will be a welcoming space designed to help young children learn,” said the mayor.

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