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Fashion history was forever changed by the tiny needle 40,000 years ago

Fashion history was forever changed by the tiny needle 40,000 years ago


Have you ever thought about why we wear clothes? Yes, they keep us warm and keep us modest, but there is much more to it than that. The history of clothing is as fascinating as the history of humanity itself. Surprisingly, the small needle with one eye has become a key element of fashion.

The evolution of clothing

Imagine early humans sheltering in caves, using tools to prepare animal hides. These clothes were not about fashion; they were purely for survival.

Ancient humans wore clothing only to protect themselves from the environment, putting it on or taking it off as necessary.

Dr. Ian Gilligan, an archaeologist from the University of Sydneysheds light on this phenomenon.

Why do we wear clothes? We think it's part of the human condition, but if you look at different cultures, you realize that people have existed and functioned perfectly well in society without clothes, says Dr. Gilligan.

What intrigues me is the transition of clothing from a physical necessity in some environments to a social necessity in all environments.

Interestingly, about 40,000 years ago, the revolutionary needle with an eye was invented. This invention changed not only the way we dress, but also our perceptions.

Impact of the eyed needle on fashion

The introduction of the eyed needle into the world of fashion marked an important milestone in human development.

Dr. Gilligan and his team propose a remarkable theory: these needles were not just for sewing, they were the starting point of our modern fashion sense.

Eyed needles from the last ice age (photo credit Gilligan et al 2024)
Eyed needles from the last ice age (image credit Gilligan et al 2024)

Eyed needle tools are an important development in prehistory because they document a transition in the function of clothing from utilitarian to social use, explains Dr Ian Gilligan.

Why were these needles such a game changer? While bone punches could create fitted garments, eye needles allowed for intricate designs and embellishments.

Suddenly, clothing served as a means of expression rather than just protection from the cold.

When Eyed Needles Changed Fashion

You may be wondering why our ancestors started adorning their outfits with decorations. The answer lies in the harsh conditions of the last ice age.

“We know that clothing up until the last glacial cycle was only used occasionally. The classic tools that we associate with this are skin scrapers or stone scrapers, and we find these appearing and disappearing during different phases of the last glacial periods,” says Dr Gilligan.

Imagine living in a world where showing body paint or scars was impossible due to the extreme cold. What could early fashion-conscious individuals do?

The solution was simple: if they couldn't beautify their bodies, they would beautify their clothes instead.

And that’s how fashion as we know it was born. Clothing has evolved from a basic need to a way to stand out, belong to a community and express individuality.

The impact of fashion on societies

The invention of the eyed needle and the resulting fashion revolution not only influenced aesthetics; they reshaped human societies on a fundamental level.

Equipped with warm and decorated clothing, humans could now expand into colder regions, leading to the formation of larger and more sophisticated communities.

Artist's impression of decorated tailored clothing from the Upper Paleolithic (photo credit Mariana Ariza).
Artist's impression of decorated tailored clothing from the Upper Paleolithic (photo credit Mariana Ariza).

Shared clothing styles became a way to identify with one's community, thus promoting cooperation and social unity.

Additionally, the skills associated with clothing production and decoration have contributed to a more sustainable way of life, improving the survival and prosperity of human societies.

Who could have guessed that a touch of prehistoric style would have such far-reaching effects?

Psychological influence of clothing

These days, being dressed is a universal norm regardless of the climate. This common practice of hiding has led to profound psychological changes in the way we view ourselves and our surroundings.

Dr. Gilligan's future research aims to further explore this fascinating area.

We take for granted that we feel comfortable when we wear clothes and that we feel uncomfortable when we don't wear them in public. But how does wearing clothes influence how we perceive ourselves, how we perceive ourselves as human beings, and perhaps how we perceive the environment around us? asks Dr. Gilligan.

These questions open a new dimension in our conception of fashion. It is not only about what we wear, but also how what we wear shapes our identity.

A look into the future of the fashion world

Looking to the future, it is clear that fashion will continue to evolve and shape our cultures. From sustainable materials to smart fabrics and beyond, the possibilities are vast.

However, fashion will likely continue to fulfill the same fundamental roles it has played for centuries: protection, expression and connection.

So the next time you put on your favorite outfit, take the time to appreciate the rich history behind it. From simple animal skins to intricate designs, survival gear to social statements, our clothing tells a story as old as humanity itself.

And who knows? In 40,000 years, researchers will all be analyzing the meaning of skinny jeans and what they say about our civilization.

One thing is certain: this fashion story continues to unfold and we are all participating in writing its future chapters.

The study is published in the journal Scientific progress.


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