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PHOTOS: Denim Cartel dazzles with Guinness-inspired fashion showcase at Bright House

PHOTOS: Denim Cartel dazzles with Guinness-inspired fashion showcase at Bright House

SUNDAY IN KAMPALA The Guinness Bright House is always a haven for creatives, but the Fashion, Art and Music edition held on Saturday at Garden City Rooftop was an unforgettable experience!

For those lucky enough to be at Garden City Rooftop on Saturday, the evening was nothing short of magical. The festivities kicked off around 3pm, setting the stage for a night bursting with creativity. The lineup of artists, exhibitors and master creators promised a feast for the senses, and they delivered!

The Guinness Bright House is an immersive platform that brings together creative minds under one roof, fostering interaction, collaboration and the celebration of extraordinary talent. And this time, they really outdid themselves.

Imagine entering a creative wonderland, where every corner is brimming with artistic energy. Upon entering the Bright House, attendees were immediately immersed in the vibrant world of Guinness and creativity. The Garden City rooftop was transformed into a haven for fashion enthusiasts, art lovers and music lovers.

The fashion zone was a spectacle, featuring Northern Uganda's fashion genius, Fix by Oringa, who wowed with his colorful designs, and Obonire, who showcased his stunning headbands, not forgetting this stunning ephemeral exhibition of the denim cartel, the fashion master of the day. .

Azawi took to the stage, electrifying the audience with her hits. She opened with “My Year,” followed by “Lo Fit,” “Repeat It,” “Quinamino,” “10 over 10,” “Slow Dancing,” “Majje,” and ended with her latest single, “Massavu,” which had everyone singing along.

The art space offered a digital art experience like no other. Art lovers mingled with digital art extraordinaire Kashushu and even had the chance to contribute to a live digital mural, immersing themselves in an artistic adventure.

In the music area, partygoers took turns joining producer extraordinaire Axon in the booth, making their musical dreams come true by creating, learning music production, melodies and sampling. There was no shortage of activities and experiences to enjoy.

The evening reached its peak at 5:59pm when the Guinness Bright House went into night mode. The stage came alive with dancers Asset Fame, Vievo, Dance Guru Cohen, Mayani & Virginia and performances by Denesi, Akeine and Kohen Jayce that left the crowd wanting more. After Kohen Jayce finished his hit song “Don't let go”Azawi took the stage and electrified the audience with her hits. She started with “My year,”followed by “Lo Fit”, “Repeat It”,“Quinamino”,10 of 10,“Slow dance”“Never,”and finished with his latest single, “Massavu”who made everyone sing.

However, the real highlight of the night was Denim Cartel. Denim Cartel not only presented a new Guinness-inspired line, but also collaborated with a model living with vitiligo. This fashion showcase is a testament to the brand’s commitment to inclusivity and collaboration.

“What we have always stood for as a brand is exactly this inclusion, this collaboration and celebrating people who do extraordinary things. I am very pleased that we were able to do all of this and more in tonight’s edition of Bright House,” said Roy Tumwizere, Guinness Brand Director.

“We were able to celebrate and shine a light on vitiligo, a condition that many Ugandans are not very familiar with. With June being Vitiligo Awareness Month, it was an important moment for us as Guinness to shine a light on this phenomenon,” he added.

To top it all off, Axon took advantage of the Denim Cartels fashion showcase to unveil a new song from a collaboration between himself, Guiness and some of the biggest artists including Joshua Baraka and APass. The night ended on a high note with DJ Sesse on the decks and treated partygoers to a slew of incredible music.




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