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Olivia Culpo insisted her wedding dress didn't 'betray gender in any way'

Olivia Culpo insisted her wedding dress didn't 'betray gender in any way'


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Olivia Culpo has married her Prince Charming, NFL star Christian McCaffrey.

The couple, who got engaged last year after a few years of dating, tied the knot at a church in Watch Hill, Rhode Island, Saturday, something Culpo says is imperative for the couple.

“It was our number one priority,” she said. told Vogue to get married in a church.


Christian McCaffrey in black suit and tie smiles sweetly on the carpet with Olivai Culpo in nude dress

Former Miss Universe Olivia Culpo and San Francisco 49ers running back Christian McCaffrey were married in Watch Hill, Rhode Island, on Saturday. (Ethan Miller/Getty Images)

The religious element of their ceremony certainly played a role in the design of her dress; Culpo says there was nothing on the market that embodied the dress of her dreams.

“That's what made me even more excited about this vision,” she explained of working directly with Dolce & Gabbana to create not only her wedding dress, but also the welcome, reception and after party.

“It’s an alliance. It’s the beginning of the rest of your life and it’s the union and bond of two people forever,” she noted. “I wanted something that was as serious as this engagement,” she said of her wedding dress.


“I didn’t want it to smack of sex in any way,” she explained. “I wanted it to be effortless and like it complimented me, without overpowering me. There's so much beauty and simplicity to it,” she said of the dress, a long-sleeved ballgown with minimal embellishments. She also wore a 16-foot veil.

The former Miss Universe opted to wear minimal makeup for the ceremony, avoiding mascara and eyebrow gel to ensure a more natural look.


Christian McCaffrey in orange/brown jacket on the carpet with Olivia Culpo in white dress

Olivia Culpo says she and Christian McCaffrey's “number one priority” for their wedding was having the ceremony in a church. (Stefanie Keenan/Getty Images for Best Buddies International)

Culpo also thought of McCaffrey, the San Francisco 49ers star, when designing her dress.

“When I think about Christian and what he likes and the moments he thinks I’m the most beautiful, it’s absolutely something like that: timeless, covered and elegant.”

Christian McCaffrey in a classic tuxedo at the Vanity Fair afterparty with Olivia Culpo in a puffy, off-the-shoulder pale pink dress

Olivia Culpo took Christian McCaffrey's preferences into account when designing her dress with the Dolce & Gabbana atelier. (Arturo Holmes/FilmMagic/Getty Images)


She reiterated this during a recent visit to Milan, Italy, for her final fitting before the wedding.


“This is the first and last and only wedding dress I’ve ever tried on. I haven’t tried on any other silhouette, any other style. I knew exactly what I wanted and I’m so happy,” she told the magazine in a video shared on social media. “I really like how the veil balances out the traditional, simpler nature of the main dress.”




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