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Fur bucket hats forever! The seven biggest fashion trends from Glastonbury 2024 | Glastonbury 2024

Fur bucket hats forever!  The seven biggest fashion trends from Glastonbury 2024 |  Glastonbury 2024


TThe one thing that unites Glastonbury fashion is the need for the right footwear: no other festival is as much a stroll as it is a fun day (and night) out. But other than that, all bets are off. From kimonos to fancy dress, here are this year's biggest trends.

Fur Bucket Hats

Stormzy opts for a classic bucket hat. Photography: Ben Birchall/PA

Bucket hats are to Glastonbury what flip-flops are to the beach: absolutely everywhere, in every colour and every variation imaginable. But this year, a new variation has emerged: furry bucket hats. Even though the sun beat down on the festival on Saturday afternoon, festival-goers didn't part with them. Slipping on a furry bucket hat is like slipping under a duvet to hide from the crowds.

Wraparound Cycling Sunglasses

The eyes have it. Photograph: Joe Maher/Getty Images

Is it Glastonbury or the Tour de France? Young men in bucket hats were seen everywhere with reflective wraparound sunglasses.

Chain belts

Fashion channel. Photography: Anthony Harvey/Rex/Shutterstock

It gives me no pleasure to write this, but Y2K fashion is back in the form of chain belts. Purchased from Vinted and Depop and last seen on Kate Moss in Camden circa 2002, this iteration of the 2000s staple is worn high at the waist, with cowboy boots and crocheted backless tops and dresses . None of the women sporting this look experienced this trend the first time.

Leopard print

Animal lover. Photography: Oli Scarff/AFP/Getty Images

So much leopard print. Leopard print suits and ties, leopard print cycling shorts, leopard print shirts. In a campsite chapel, a leopard-clad vicar married festival-goers.


Two in one Kash Ginjbold pairs her kimono with a fur bucket hat. Photography: Alecsandra Raluca Drgoi/The Guardian

A festival staple, but this year the kimono is something new: most of the people wearing it are men. Often it is combined with a fur hat.


The John Lee and Steph Leung supermarket look with Lidl shirts. Photography: Alecsandra Raluca Drgoi/The Guardian

Fans of the budget German supermarket were everywhere, sporting branded t-shirts, Crocs-style foam shoes and, of course, bucket hats. On several occasions, festival-goers were dressed head to toe by Lidl.


How to stand out from the crowd. Photograph: Dylan Martinez/Reuters

Whether it was the Teletubbies trudging home from Shangri-La at 4 a.m. or a human fly buzzing around the toilet, the costumes did not disappoint. Many had made papier-mâché, disguising themselves as eyes, ears, noses and psychedelic mushrooms.




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