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Anya Taylor-Joy wears a wet t-shirt dress at Glastonbury Festival

Anya Taylor-Joy wears a wet t-shirt dress at Glastonbury Festival


Anya Taylor-Joy let loose on Saturday with a risky festival outfit.

Continuing his The Glastonbury Style SequenceTHE Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga The actress opted for an oversized olive bomber jacket and a white t-shirt dress. She updated this everyday outfit by adding a splash (or rather, soak) of water, which made her T-shirt see-through, revealing a pair of white briefs underneath. It's unclear if the wet look was intentional, although Taylor-Joy appears to have gone for that look either way.

anya taylor joy backstage at the glastonbury festival at worthy farm in somerset photo date saturday june 29, 2024 photo by yui mokpa images via getty images

Yui Mok – PA Images

She paired her sassy look with several silver rings, as well as an orange gemstone pendant necklace stacked over a smaller opal pendant necklace. Black rectangular sunglasses and black athletic sneakers kept her comfortable throughout the festival. As the actor chatted with friends backstage, she tucked her hand into one of the many pockets of her green jacket and held a canned beverage in the other despite her ultra-hydrated look. Her long platinum hair was effortlessly pulled back into a half-up, half-down style, and she made a statement with her signature red lipstick.

british model cara delevingne r and british actress anya taylor joy l attend day five of the glastonbury festival at worthy farm in the village of pilton in somerset, southwest england, on june 30, 2024 the festival takes place from june 26 to 30 photo by oli foulard afp photo by oli foulard via getty images

It was Scarff

The changing weather also caused Taylor-Joy to change her outfit. Earlier in the day, she paired her wet t-shirt dress with green denim shorts with a fringed hem at the pockets. She later hung out with friend Cara Delevingne and added a green mini skirt and white beanie to her look. With three different looks under her belt (or in this case, slips), the actress proved how far a basic style can go.

Her previous Glastonbury look actually required some help from Delevingne. As the two walked through the festival arm in arm on Friday, they coordinated outfits with a matching color palette. Taylor-Joy opted for a breezy white mini skirt and gold crop top, while Delevingne wore a beige plaid Miu Miu button-down shirt, which she layered over a white tank top and denim shorts. The two might as well have worn matching friendship bracelets, but instead they opted for matching hiking shoes.

Letter of marque

Maya Ernest is a writer who covers everything from the latest fashion news to features that explore personal style, social media trends, and mindful consumption.




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