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Olivia Culpo Didn't Want Her Wedding Dress to 'Exude Sex in Any Way'

Olivia Culpo Didn't Want Her Wedding Dress to 'Exude Sex in Any Way'


Olivia Culpo explains why she didn't want her wedding dress to exude sex in any way

Olivia Culpo and Christian McCaffrey Courtesy of Olivia Culpo/Instagram

Olivia Culpo decided to wear a modest wedding dress for her Saturday, June 29 nuptials with the NFL player Christian McCaffrey.

“I wanted something as serious as this commitment,” Culpo, 31, said. Vogue in an interview published on Saturday. “I didn’t want the sex to show through in any way. »

She added: “I wanted it to feel effortless and like it complimented me, without dominating me. There is so much beauty and simplicity.

Culpo collaborated with Dolce & Gabbana on a long-sleeved ball gown, which she paired with a 16-foot lace veil. The model, who only tried on one dress, wanted a look that was appropriate for their church in Watch Hill, Rhode Island — and one that McCaffrey, 28, would love to see her in.

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Olivia Culpo and Christian McCaffrey's romance has entered the record books. Culpo dated former New England Patriots player Danny Amendola for two years before joining McCaffrey in June 2019. The duo, however, kept their romance somewhat private in the months that followed. It was only February 2020, […]

“When I think about Christian and what he loves and the moments when he thinks I’m the most beautiful, it’s absolutely something like that: timeless, covered and elegant,” Culpo told the magazine.

Of course, fashionista Culpo couldn't just wear one dress all day and opted for a few outfit changes during the reception. She got the party started in an “ethereal” off-the-shoulder draped dress for dancing the night away. Culpo also chose a third dress to close out the festivities.

“I would say my second favorite after my ceremony dress, which will be the most important dress I've ever worn in my life, is the after-party dress,” Culpo shared with Vogue in a Tic Tac video of his final fitting. “It's so unique.”

Olivia Culpo Explains Why She Didn't Want Her Wedding Dress to Have Any Sexual Connotations

Olivia Culpo and Christian McCaffrey Courtesy of Olivia Culpo/Instagram

Midway through the reception, Culpo donned a strapless mini dress with a birdcage skirt and delicate floral appliques. She completed her look with a matching choker necklace and sheer gloves.

Culpo and McCaffrey began dating in 2019 and got engaged four years later. She also enjoys supporting her NFL career as a running back for the San Francisco 49ers. McCaffrey previously played for the Carolina Panthers.

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“I’m so happy Christian is in San Francisco. It’s going to make everything a lot easier,” Culpo said previously. Us Weekly in November 2022. “I feel like when you care about someone, you have to understand the things they will need to do to reach their dreams and potential. And part of that means being separate.




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