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This 'Super Slimming' Maxi Dress With Pockets Is On Sale For Just $20 On Amazon

This 'Super Slimming' Maxi Dress With Pockets Is On Sale For Just $20 On Amazon


If you like to look put-together while being comfortable, finding a good dress is easy if you know where to look. We're talking about Amazon, of course. As shopping experts, we spend a lot of time searching for the right pieces for the season and we landed on a dress that's flowy, lightweight, and keeps you cool even during a heatwave: the Huskary long dress and it's on sale for just $20.


Stash your purse: This ultra-versatile dress also has pockets.

$20 on Amazon

Why is this a good deal?

While the price may vary a bit depending on the color you choose, it's the kind of dress you'll come back to again and again. When we think about cost per wear, the Huskary Long Dress is both invaluable And at the lowest price.

Why do I need this?

Amazon shoppers love this maxi dress for its simplicity, style, and versatility. Its flowy design allows it to drape over your body without feeling clingy. Pair it with cute flats and a denim jacket and you'll be ready for a night out, or wear it to the office with a blazer. For a date night, dress it up with your favorite necklace, a pair of heels, and a cardigan. It also has pockets, which are always a welcome addition.

three women wearing maxi dressesthree women wearing long dresses

Get several, you might want to wear this flattering maxi dress every day. (Amazon)

What the critics say

More than 15,000 reviewers give the Huskary long dress five stars for its flattering fit and versatile design.


“I love this dress!” says a big fan. “The pockets are great and they're very slimming! I sometimes tie a bow at the bottom. I always get tons of compliments when I wear it!

“This long dress meets all expectations,” a third satisfied customer shared“It highlights my figure very well, it has pockets, it's not transparent, AND it goes down to my feet (I'm 58). This maxi adapts to all my curves and you can wear it to church, work, date night and brunch I ordered the khaki green and black I paired it with a lightweight denim jacket for a graduation ceremony and. to strappy sandals with flat heels.”

“I actually intended to wear this dress as a house dress or nightgown, but the print was so fun that I wore it to church and wore it to a dinner cruise. » said one reviewer“It's light and comfortable and I regularly get compliments on it when I wear it. I will say that it doesn't give a flattering shape to a body, but I don't think that's the intent of the design. It could totally be worn to bed if you wanted, it's so comfortable. »

The inconvenients

Some buyers feel that some improvements could be made.

“I liked it so much I ordered three more,” wrote a buyer. “It's an easy dress to throw on for any occasion… It's not clingy, but is soft and flowy… The only reason I gave it four stars is because it's a little fine. I don't find it transparent, however. This is my new go-to dress. »

“I was surprised at how nice it felt and how well it suited me,” wrote another. customer. “I wish I could find one that wasn't v-neck, but I'm in awe of how beautiful this dress is. I can dress it up with wedges and jewelry or just wear flip flops.”


Choose from dozens of colors and patterns, from that go-to black to tropical florals and tie-dyes. (Prices vary.)

$20 on Amazon

The above reviews reflect the most recent versions at the time of publication.

If you have Amazon Primeyou will of course benefit from free delivery. You are not yet a member? No problem. You can sign up for your 30-day free trial here. (And by the way, those who don't have Prime (always get free shipping on orders of $25 or more.)

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