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Tenniscore offers business opportunities for fashion


What is Tenniscore?

The Tenniscore trend is the hit of the summer, seamlessly blending the prestige of tennis tradition with modern fashion sensibilities. Inspired by the resurgence of classic styles and supported by cultural phenomena, Tenniscore is also poised to become a major trend this year. Here's why this style movement is more than just a fast fashion statement: it's a business opportunity rooted in culture, tradition and contemporary relevance.

Cultural Zeitgeist: Nostalgic Appeal

At the heart of Tenniscores’ appeal is a desire for the elegance and simplicity of decades past. Today’s zeitgeist, marked by a fascination with vintage aesthetics and a return to roots, finds perfect expression in this look. This trend harks back to the golden age of tennis, where icons like Princess Diana graced Wimbledon with timeless style. While the Old Money style trend is still in vogue and celebrates more conservative and modest choices, the Tenniscore code fits perfectly into this timeless look.

Influence of pop culture and media

The influence of media on fashion trends cannot be overstated, and Tenniscore is certainly no exception. The recent release of Luca Guadagnino's film “Challengers,” starring Zendaya, was likely a significant catalyst.

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Styled by the famous Law Roach, Zendaya's recent red carpet appearances have highlighted themes of the Tenniscore trend, blending athletic functionality with high fashion.

Fashion shows have echoed this sentiment, with brands like Lacoste and Sporty & Rich showcasing collections that combine sporty aesthetics with luxury touches. The visibility of this trend on global stages guarantees its penetration into the mainstream fashion consciousness.

Economic viability: market statistics and trends

According to a recent market analysis, the global sportswear market is expected to reach $517.48 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 8.1% between 2019 and 2025. Tenniscore is certainly helping to fuel the growth of fashion and sports retailers.

Heritage brands and new players: a dynamic market

Traditional brands like Lacoste have long been synonymous with tennis style, but the emergence of new brands like Sporty & Rich brings a new perspective. These brands tap into the aspirational aspect of tenniscore, offering products that emulate a lifestyle of wealth and sophistication. The strategic positioning of these brands in premium retail spaces, such as the Lacoste takeover at Selfridges, including the Le Club dining experience, highlights the commercial know-how behind a practical and stylish look.

At Le Club – a takeover of the Alto by San Carlo in-store restaurant – tennis-themed cocktails will be up for grabs, including Cucumber Deuce and Match Point Spritz. A terrace houses digital screens and guests can watch Wimbledon live until 14 July.

A winning service for businesses

By tapping into nostalgia, leveraging pop culture influences, and offering a unique blend of style and practicality, Tenniscore appeals to a broad audience. Brands that recognize this opportunity could strengthen their presence in the market and align their business with this broader cultural movement. Financially, it’s further proof that when fashion meets function, it’s another trend poised to serve as a winning asset for the industry.




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