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A musical Master's Faire invites all of Juneau to dress up

Sorcha Hazelton, coordinator of the Third Annual Masters Fair, created a most splendid caricature dressed in full medieval costume. And in truth, she was holding up her drawing of herself at Saturday's event to prove it.

“This is the most fun I’ve ever done,” said Lybbie Brown, the local artist who drew the caricature of Hazelton amid doodles of elves, vampires and knights. “I’ll definitely be back next year. It’s nice to bring the Juneau community together.”

Sorcha Hazelton, who has coordinated the Master's Faire for three years, presents a cartoon version of herself drawn by local artist Lybbie Brown, the owner of Mossy Maiden, at Saturday's event.  (Jasz Garrett / Empire Juneau)Sorcha Hazelton, who has coordinated the Master's Faire for the past three years, holds a caricature version of herself drawn by local artist Lybbie Brown, owner of Mossy Maiden, at Saturday's event.  (Jasz Garrett/Juneau Empire)

Sorcha Hazelton, who has coordinated the Master's Faire for the past three years, holds a caricature version of herself drawn by local artist Lybbie Brown, owner of Mossy Maiden, at Saturday's event. (Jasz Garrett / Juneau Empire)

Hazelton, a member of the local Masonic community hosting the event, said: The Masters Fair has seen growth since its launch in June 2021. Although rain reduced the number of participants, she said they have seen an increase in vendors this year.

“The first year we had a volunteer make hot dogs,” she said. “We didn't have any food vendors willing to take a risk in the first year of our event. And so last year, Four Plates came along and now we're up to six food vendors. V's Cellar Door is here with turkey legs and they are actually sold out. Our beer garden is also new this year, and we also have a variety of other new jewelry, art, and crochet vendors.

The band Renegade plays together at the Master's Faire on Saturday.  (Photo courtesy of Elle Z Rox)Renegade performs together at the Master's Faire on Saturday. (Photo courtesy of Elle Z Rox)

The band Renegade plays together at the Master's Faire on Saturday. (Photo courtesy of Elle Z Rox)

Hazelton is a member of the Rainbow Girls youth group advisory board and a member of Eastern Star, an adult group. All ticket sales from the fair raise funds for the Juneau Masonic Center.

“It funds our group and allows us to continue to have a place to do all the work that we do,” she said. “And we’re all nonprofits. We’re a family of a bunch of different nonprofits that do a bunch of different things. Most of them are youth-oriented. We have the Shrine Club that raises money for their Shrine hospitals. Eastern Star is currently raising money and doing collections for AWARE. And then the Rainbow Girls do whatever they can think of. But they do all their events and develop their skills for community service projects.”

John Barnett, president of the Juneau Masonic Center Association and the Juneau-Douglas Shrine Club, said it's also a fun excuse to dress up.

“We also thought Juneau needed a place where some of us could dress up,” he said. “We thought it was a great idea for an event that Juneau was missing.” It's fun to see the variety of costumes – from fairground maidens to Vikings to knights. More and more people dress up every year. »

Winners of the “Best Couple” costume contest at the Master's Faire walked away with honey, yeast and a honey mead recipe Saturday.  (Photo courtesy of John Barnett)The winners of the Masters' Fair

The winners of the “Best Couple” costume contest at the Master’s Faire took home honey, yeast and a recipe for honey mead on Saturday. (Photo courtesy of John Barnett)

In the future, Hazelton said she hopes the fair could become a weekend-long camping event with more musicians, more food and a soaking pool.

A group of friends called Renegade were playing music around the fairgrounds hoping to attract a king, said mandolin player and singer Elle Z Rox (aka “Mandalynne”). She is a local songwriter who, in addition to the mandolin, plays the guitar.

Georgia Horton (“Lady G”), Kevin Nye (“Sir Kevin of Nye”), Kym Stover (“Musique of Normandy”) and John Lager (“Sir John of Lager”) joined Rox to add to the medieval atmosphere of Saturday. It was the first time the Master's Faire had live music and their surprise performance was most welcome, Hazelton said. The band, which debuted a month ago, hopes to play other venues around town in the future.

“We love to play and we will play wherever we can,” Rox said.

• Contact Jasz Garrett at [email protected] or (907) 723-9356.

Elle Z Rox and Kym Stover perform together at the third annual Master's Faire on Saturday. (Jasz Garrett / Juneau Empire)Elle Z Rox and Kym Stover perform music together at the third annual Master's Faire on Saturday.  (Jasz Garrett/Juneau Empire)

Elle Z Rox and Kym Stover perform music together at the third annual Master's Faire on Saturday. (Jasz Garrett / Empire Juneau)

Local artist Carly Lemieux is giving Eulaysia Rayne a free henna practice Saturday. Lemieux said she has been drawing her entire life and started using henna specifically for the Master's Faire to Local artist Carly Lemieux practices free henna on Eulaysia Rayne Saturday.  Lemieux said she had been drawing her whole life and started using henna specifically for the Master's Faire to

Local artist Carly Lemieux performs free henna on Eulaysia Rayne Saturday. Lemieux said she has been drawing her entire life and started using henna specifically for the Master’s Faire to “bring some extra excitement to Juneau.” (Jasz Garrett / Empire Juneau)

David Noon, a Juneau Board of Education member and history professor at the University of Alaska Southeast, hosted a medieval trivia game Saturday. The winner took home a sack of potatoes. (Jasz Garrett / Juneau Empire)David Noon, a Juneau Board of Education member and history professor at the University of Alaska Southeast, hosted a medieval trivia game Saturday. The winner took home a sack of potatoes. (Jasz Garrett / Juneau Empire)

David Noon, a Juneau school board member and University of Alaska Southeast history professor, hosted a medieval quiz Saturday. The winner took home a sack of potatoes. (Jasz Garrett / Juneau Empire)




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