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This Incredible Padm Cosplay Gives the Iconic Lake Dress a Whole New Meaning

This Incredible Padm Cosplay Gives the Iconic Lake Dress a Whole New Meaning



  • Padmé's lake dress from Attack of the Clones is recreated as a mermaid tail in an underwater cosplay video by Finfolk Productions.
  • The beauty and importance of the dress in the film is highlighted, as it represents a turning point in Padmé and Anakin's relationship.
  • Naboo is crucial to the development of Padmé and Anakin's romance, providing them with a carefree environment to explore their feelings.

Padme Amidalathe lake dress she wears Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones has become one of Padmé's most iconic outfits, and now a cosplay has given it a whole new meaning. Padmé wears this dress when she and Anakin arrive at her palace on Naboo, just after Anakin is tasked with protecting her from assassins. The two strike up a warm conversation, and the afternoon soon leads to their first kiss. This outfit has since become a fan favorite, both for its beauty and significance, and this cosplay takes it to a whole new level.


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Finfolk Productionsa company that specializes in custom swimmable mermaid tails, took to Instagram to show off a stunning underwater video of a mermaid tail paired with Padmé's iconic lakeside dress.

The beautiful dress flows through the water in fluid movements, giving it a magical effect. The caption reads: “POV: Padmé's “lake dress” takes on new meaning!» The tail of this « Pad-sea“The cosplay is colored to match the beautiful golds, pinks and purples of the dress, with a beautiful headpiece keeping the mermaid's hair back.

Naboo is a crucial setting for the romance between Padmé and Anakin

Star Wars Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala marry on Naboo.

Anakin and Padmé may have first met on Anakin's home planet of Tatooine, but It was Naboo that really shaped their relationshipAnakin's mother told him not to look back after he left the planet, and so he does. The only other time he considers going back is to try to save his mother – an experience that becomes just another terrible memory.

Anakin's time protecting Padmé on Naboo gave them both a chance to be carefree for the first time in a long time.

Naboo, however, was Anakin's first taste of the action that would one day become his daily life as a Jedi. It was there that he lost Qui-Gon and gained Obi-Wan as his master. He will finally marry Padmé there.

Anakin's time protecting Padmé on Naboo gave them both the opportunity to be carefree for the first time in a long time. They were able to take a break from their roles as senators and Jedi and return to the relaxed way they interacted when they first met. Padme might initially think a romance is a bad idea, but in the serene context of her home planet, she lets her guard down and allows herself to just be a girl in love.

Source: finfolk productions




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