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Fashion as art in Lynn

Fashion as art in Lynn


LYNNThe brick walkway at Frederick Douglass Memorial Park was transformed into a full-fledged runway for a fashion show hosted by the Lynn Museum and Arts Center on Friday.

The exhibition featured collections from local designers and brands including MakeShift Studios, Ellen Yeung, Ebbee, Khammany and Vlush. The creations were presented by local models.

One template features a design from Makeshift Studios.

The event was part of the museum's Final Fridays series, where on the last Friday of each month they host a themed showcase.

The series was created in 2021 to bring the community together to celebrate arts and culture alongside Lynn's small business during the pandemic, said Doneeca Thurston-Chavez, executive director of the Lynn Museum and Arts Center.

With this season, we really want to support the youth in the community. Let them know that there are spaces here in Lynn, especially downtown, for them to celebrate their birthday.

Host, Mr. PSA, and JahNyah Spencer, Youth and Community Engagement Coordinator for Lynn Arts.

ent, their creativity, and you know, just have fun, she said.

This is the first time we have held a fashion show as an organization. It's been a lot of fun working with brands that have connections to the community, Thurston-Chavez said.

She added JahNyah Spencer, youth and community engagement coordinator, as the museum took the program from recent Fridays and really put its own stamp on it this season.

First, the models walked the runway in pieces from Ellen Yeung's Painted Fairy World collection, which featured six designs in floral and majestic colors. Shortly after, the audience was treated to four gothic designs from Ethan Donaldsen/Eebees' Coming of Age collection.

After a short intermission, 19 models took the stage wearing designs from Makeshift Studios, followed by a colorful six-piece collection from Khammany, titled Groovilicious.

Finally, the public was able to discover 15 casual looks from the Vlush boutique.

LaMar Harris, a local artist who goes by the name Mr. PSA, hosted the show and the DJ was DJ Rayvino.

“I would love to see more things like this happen and maybe get bigger and better every year,” Harris said.

He said he organizes many events and serves as a mentor inside and outside of Lynn and recognizes the importance of community events that encourage young people to get involved in the arts.

They don't see much. They're always in tune with video games or television, so it's good to get them involved in the artistic side of things, the fashion side of things, and really get their creative juices flowing, he added.

Fashion show volunteer Anne-nerylo Gedeus said there was an amazing atmosphere and great vibes at Final Fridays.

“It’s amazing, with everything that’s going on in Lynn, how we can come together and bring something amazing to people,” she said.

  • Emilie Rosenberg

    Emily is reporter Lynn from The Item. She graduated from Framingham State University in 2023, majoring in political science and minoring in journalism. While at FSU, she served as editor of the school's independent student newspaper. In her free time, she enjoys exploring museums, hosting murder mystery nights with her friends, and writing creatively.

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