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My Dress-Up Darling, the only non-fantasy title in the new Top 10 ranking for 2024

My Dress-Up Darling, the only non-fantasy title in the new Top 10 ranking for 2024


My beloved disguise won fifth place in Japanese media conglomerate Kadokawa's top 100 ebooks for the first half of 2024. The list, compiled by ebook platform BookWalker, was largely dominated by fantasy and isekai series, with My darling costume being the only non-fantasy series to occupy the first place in the top 10.

Book walkerThe top 100 e-books of 2024 were ranked by the most popular/most-read manga and light novels on the platform during the months of January to June. The top 10 most popular series included many titles also familiar to anime-only fans, such as Freeze: Beyond Journey's End, That time I got reincarnated as a Slime, Jujutsu Kaisen And Oshi no Ko They also got top spots. The full top 10 list can be seen below.


New My Darling Cosplay Costume Creates a Perfect Image Shizuku-tan

It takes a talented cosplayer to imitate another in this perfect, real-life anime cosplay of Marin as Shizuku-tan from My Dress-Up Darling.

Kadokawa's BookWalker reveals its top-ranked titles for 2024 (January-June)

  1. Freeze: Beyond Journey's End (Vol.13)
  2. An Old Country Man Becomes a Sword Saint: I was just a rural sword teacher, but my successful students won't leave me alone! (Vol.5)
  3. Reincarnated as a Slime (Vol. 25)
  4. Harem in the otherworldly maze (Vol. 10)
  5. My beloved disguise (Vol.13)
  6. Jujutsu Kaisen (Vol.25)
  7. Uncle from another world (Vol. 11)
  8. The false alchemist (Vol. 1)
  9. Oshi no Ko (Vol. 14)
  10. Reincarnation Colosseum – Use the weakest skills to defeat the strongest women and create a harem of slaves (Vol.3)

BookWalker's Top 10 Titles for 2024 Dominated by Fantasy and Isekai

Other notable series in the top 25 included Elite Classroom (Year 2 Vol. 11), Spy x Family (Vol. 13), Apothecary journals (Vol. 13) and The dangers in my heart (Vol.10). However, the first 10 places, without My darling dressedwere all occupied by popular fantasy or isekai series, or series heavily involving supernatural or fantasy elements. My darling costume was the only slice-of-life series to make the top 10, a testament to its popularity with multiple audiences and dedicated fan base.

My darling costume, created by Shinichi Fukuda, follows the love story between high school loner Wakana Gojo and his popular classmate, Marin Kitagawa. Gojo is obsessed with creating hina dolls, traditional dolls originally used to symbolize Japanese royalty during the Heian period. Creating the dolls requires an incredible eye for detail, as well as a high level of sewing ability and elaborate painting and drawing ability. Coincidentally, Wakana and Marin meet after school in the sewing room, as Wakana works on one of her doll's dresses while Marin attempts to sew a cosplay dress. She recruits Wakana to help her with her cosplay endeavors given her lack of sewing skills, which begins their friendship and eventually romance.


My Dress-Up Darling Anime Official Fanbook Gets Preview Image and Release Date From Crunchyroll

Popular series My Dress-Up Darling is delivering must-have merchandise for fans of the anime, getting a Crunchyroll release date for the official fanbook.

My beloved disguise became a popular manga after it was first published in Young Gangan in 2018. Volume 13, which earned fifth place in BookWalker's top 100 ebooks for the first half of 2024, is the most recent manga volume, having debuted on May 24, 2024. The series received an adaptation animated in 2022 which received critical acclaim. A second season of My darling costume has been announced but does not have an official release date at the time of writing.

Source: Book walker




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