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The fashion, function and circularity of BIO-VERA


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The materials themselves are often disappointing. To the average observer, raw acrylates are little more than colorless, smelly liquids with no discernible value. Yet, acrylates form the basis of many consumer goodsfrom contact lenses to cosmetics and art supplies. In the right hands, these mundane liquids can be a medium for transcendent art, binding and manipulating pigments at the tip of a painter's brush. Put simply, the value of a material is greater than the sum of its partsIn fact, the true value of a material is determined by its application, whether it facilitates artistic expression or contributes to the fight against global warming.

This is the case of BIO-VERATM from Modern Meadow, a versatile, high-performance soft surfacing material derived from soy protein, recycled post-consumer tires and a revolutionary bio-alloy, BIO-VERAMT is a durable material that has a unique combination of material resilience and beauty which is emerging as an increasingly valuable material in the modern consumer landscape. These qualities have caught the attention of designers in the fashion industry, including those in the automotive sector.

Modern Prairie LeatherModern Meadow Leather

In the wake of the hottest decade on record, nations around the world are battling greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This necessarily implies a global reinvention of automobile manufacturing, whose products represent approximately 15% of global GHG emissions. [ref]About 80% of these emissions occur when vehicles are running (called tailpipe emissions), but the remaining 20% ​​can be allocated to material procurement, distribution and disposal. [ref]Naturally, traceable and low carbon footprint materials have become a priority for major manufacturers. [ref, ref, ref].

However, developing such materials has proven difficult because Most synthetics struggle to meet the automotive industry's demanding performance and manufacturing demandsand even less do it while maintaining consumer appeal. BIO-VERATM has the potential to succeed where others have failedhelping manufacturers reduce their GHG emissions while evolving to meet growing market demand for fashionable, high-performance, animal-free products.

Fashion and functionality in automobiles

“The automobile industry is a fashion industry,“, Jon Lauckner explained in a recent interview. A former CTO of General Motors and chairman of GM Ventures, Lauckner has more than 40 years of experience in auto manufacturing and is keenly aware of the need to evolve while staying fashionable.

“The appearance and perception of a vehicle are of paramount importance. Exterior styling is important, but the fact is that the interior of the vehicle is where you spend most of your time and this will have a significant impact on how attached you are to it. »

It is therefore appropriate that the materials used to construct the interior of vehiclessuch as the carpet on the floor, the steering wheel lining and the fabric that decorates the seatshave evolved with fashion trendsTo keep up with fashion, automakers are investing heavily in research and development of new materials that cross the fine line between fashion and function. For much of his career, Lauckner oversaw this process at GM Ventures.

“Aesthetics are of crucial importance, but especially for seats and door trim panels in high-impact areas, you need a material that performs. ” Generally, consumer vehicles will be used for 12 years on average [ref]during which time they may be exposed to high heat, freezing cold, and children (among many other abrasive forces of nature). Materials need to keep up, which Lauckner says means that “strength, abrasion resistance, colorfastness, and fade resistance are all extremely important.”

Leather, with its water-repellent and durable nature, is perhaps the ideal material for vehicle interior design. And the know-how imbued in the tanneries gives the leather a characteristic beauty and a tactile sensation that charms consumers. Together, these characteristics have made leather a timeless luxury material. But times are changing. As governments around the world urge manufacturers to reduce their carbon footprintConsumer tastes are shifting towards vegan alternatives and sustainably sourced products [ref, ref, ref]It's no surprise that major automotive brands have publicly committed to adopting alternative materials to drive GHG emissions reduction. [ref, ref, ref]. Part of this commitment includes research into viable leather-like materials.

Modern prairie textileModern Prairie Textile

BIO-VERATM: A next-generation material for future generations

Although research into new textiles is ongoing in the automotive industry, Few viable materials have surfaced that can match the fashion and function of leatherThere are many possible reasons for this [ref]Synthetic materials often use a woven microstructure that gives them some strength but detracts from their natural feel. Materials derived from organic and biological materials can exhibit interesting properties, but require new manufacturing infrastructure that significantly limits their ability to scale. And, beyond functionality, synthetic materials often lack the idiosyncratic design features that make natural materials unique.

But where countless materials have failed, BIO-VERATM is ready to succeed.

BIO-VERATM has a very luxurious feel that I find indistinguishable from natural leather“, Lauckner explains. “It also has advantages that other materials lack: it’s an animal-free biomaterial that contains an extremely high amount of recycled materials; and it’s designed to be ready to be integrated into existing manufacturing processes. Those are really big advantages.”

From a material point of view, BIO-VERATMMT is a soft non-woven surface material that matches or exceeds natural leather in durability, color range, color fastness and design flexibility. Head-to-head, BIO-VERATM has proven to be 2x stronger than leather and up to 25% lighter. By using both recycled post-consumer waste and a plant-based alloy, BIO-VERAMT also offers higher traceability and a lower environmental footprint.

Modern Meadow Leather for the Automotive IndustryModern Meadow Leather for the Automotive Industry

It is important to produce a leather-like final material with BIO-VERAMT can be achieved by integrating into the workflows of the final stage tanneries. Techniques perfected over time that produce luxury leather are used to produce BIO-VERATM without the need for chrome or other harsh tanning reagents. It means that BIO-VERATM has high drop-in capabilitieswhich allows manufacturers to leverage existing infrastructure and workflows when producing vehicle interior parts with BIO-VERAMT.

Many manufacturers want to use circular materials to reduce GHG emissions, meaning that at the end of a vehicle's life, its components can be broken down and put back into the manufacturing process. [ref]. Such materials can significantly reduce the amount of waste entering landfills. BIO-VERAMTThe composition of s is inherently circular and, by using recycled tires, helps reduce the amount of carbon-rich rubber that ends up in landfills. It is therefore no surprise that BIO-VERATM is in the final stages of testing with several automakers in North America, Europe and Asia.

Although the path to carbon neutrality will undoubtedly be difficult, next-generation materials like BIO-VERATM ensuring that the ride will not only be smoother, but also more fashionable.

Come meet the Modern Meadow team from July 2nd to 4th at PV Paris
Hall 6, stand 6R6

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