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NRL Bulldogs stars suffer cash loss

NRL Bulldogs stars suffer cash loss


Bulldogs forward Liam Knight has suffered a big loss when he sold his Vaucluse apartment. Photo: NRL

Bulldogs forward Liam Knight has suffered a big loss when his Vaucluse pad was sold.

The former South Sydney star was spotted leaving the Old South Head Rd home over the weekend and land records reveal the house was sold in May, just 16 months after Knight bought it for $1.625 million.

The three-bedroom, one-bathroom, two-car townhouse was listed for rent at $1,100 a week in August last year. But it appears that more recently Knight, 29, who played 83 NRL games for Manly, Canberra, Souths and the Dogs, had taken up residence there.

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Knight took a loss on this Vaucluse townhouse.

It is close to many parks and hiking trails.

The home was listed for sale on March 22 and spent 57 days on the market before being purchased.

The sale price was not disclosed, but given the home was the subject of a $1.4 million buyer's guide through PPD agents Alexander Phillips and Thomas Fuller, Knight probably suffered a loss on the house, perhaps in the order of $250,000.

The price was somewhat surprising, given that PropTrack had calculated that the median apartment price had increased by 13 per cent in the 12 months before the house was listed, based on 71 sales.

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One of the three bedrooms in the house.

The living room faces north.

But the house only has one bathroom.

The median for all apartments in Vaucluse currently stands at $1.5 million, up 8% over the past 12 months and even higher at $1,875,000 for three-bedroom offerings.

This suggests Knight, who has done modeling shoots for Australian men's streetwear brand La Haute, may have overpaid to buy the block of nine near Christison Park.

Built in the early 2000s, it had already been sold for $1.18 million in 2014.

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