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Elizabeth Bennet Leads Regency Fashion Icons: A Social Media Analysis

Elizabeth Bennet Leads Regency Fashion Icons: A Social Media Analysis


Elizabeth Bennet tops Regency fashion icons: a social media analysis

New data reveals that Elizabeth Bennet is the most imitated style icon of the Regency era, with 39 social media posts featuring her fashion-related terms.

This analysis, carried out by the clothing brand Very dryused data from TikTok and Instagram to determine the most popular fictional characters from the Regency period in terms of wardrobe. Notable hashtags include #ladydanburystyle, #penelopefeatheringtonaesthetic and #elizabethbennetoutfit.


1. Elizabeth Bennet

Elizabeth Bennet, the protagonist of Pride and Prejudiceis crowned the most fashionable Regency figure with 39 social media posts dedicated to her wardrobe. Elizabeth has been portrayed on screen many times, with Keira Knightley's 2005 portrayal being particularly notable for its simplicity and effortless elegance. Knightley's portrayal features high-waisted empire dresses, natural hair and makeup, embodying both the style of the era and Elizabeth's independent spirit.

2. Queen Charlotte

The Bridgerton Chronicles Queen Charlotte comes in second place with 35 positions. Known for her quick wit and commanding presence, Queen Charlotte's fashion is opulent and extravagant. Her elaborate, bejeweled and feathered wigs, as well as her sumptuous dresses of bright colors and intricate details, made her a fashion icon of the Regency era.

3. Daphne Bridgerton

Daphne Bridgerton, another character from The Bridgerton Chroniclecomes in third with 28 posts. The Duchess of Hastings' wardrobe is characterised by delicate pastel dresses with empire waists, intricate lace and soft fabrics. Her understated accessories and timeless beauty set a new standard for dramatic period fashion.

4. Kate Sharma

In fourth place is Kate Sharma from The Bridgerton Chronicleswith 20 publications. Kate's distinctive and dynamic style blends Regency elegance with rich cultural influences, capturing her fiery and independent character. Her modern approach to period fashion reflects her strong-willed and intelligent nature.

5. Lady Danbury

Lady Danbury, another formidable character from The Bridgerton Chroniclesranks fifth with 17 posts. Known for her bold and sophisticated style, Lady Danbury's clothing choices reflect her powerful and influential personality, establishing her as a beacon of high society fashion.

6. Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy

Elizabeth Bennet's love interest, Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, has the sixth most coveted wardrobe with 13 posts. Her style is a blend of classic, timeless elegance and meticulous attention to detail. Colin Firth's portrayal of Darcy in the 1995 film Pride and Prejudice The TV series includes one of television's most iconic fashion moments, as Darcy emerges from the lake in a wet, tight white shirt.

7. King George

Queen Charlotte's husband, King George, is seventh with 10 positions. His richly embroidered coats, elaborate waistcoats and meticulously crafted accessories epitomize the opulence and sophistication of the The Bridgerton Chronicles royal court and the grandeur of the era.

8. Marina Thompson

Marina Thompson from The Bridgerton Chronicles ranks eighth with 9 posts. Initially, Marina's style embodies youthful elegance and romance, with pastel-colored dresses with delicate floral patterns and lace trims. As her story progresses, her wardrobe evolves with darker colors and more structured, mature dresses, reflecting her inner turmoil and complexity.

9. Penelope Featherington

Penelope Featherington, also from The Bridgerton Chronicles, is in ninth place with 5 positions. Penelope's fashion choices often include bright, eye-catching hues such as yellow, orange and green, in unconventional and bold combinations. These choices, sometimes bordering on excessive ornamentation, highlight her mother's attempts to attract attention and secure advantageous marriages for her daughter.

10. Eloise Bridgerton

Rounding out the top ten is Eloise Bridgerton, with 4 positions. Eloise's fashion combines Regency elegance with modern sensibility, capturing her desire for intellectual freedom and resistance to the restrictive norms of her time. Her style is a testament to her individuality and avant-garde spirit.

The data highlights the enduring appeal of Regency-era fashion, with figures such as Elizabeth Bennet and Queen Charlotte continuing to inspire fashion lovers today.




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