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Worldly expands its management team with 2 new recruits

Worldly expands its management team with 2 new recruits


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Diving brief:

  • Worldly, a platform that tracks data on the environmental and social impact of the apparel and footwear industry, has expanded its leadership adding a new chief product officer and a director of marketing and content, according to a press release issued last week.
  • Kevin Vranes was named Chief Product Officer and Jay Gaines was named Worldly has been named chief marketing and content officer. In the release, Worldly said the hires will help drive product innovation and go-to-market strategies as the company ramps up its growth initiatives.
  • Vranes and Gaines are the latest in a series of new hires for the platform, following the appointments of CEO Scott Raskin last July and Financial Director François Thrower in September.

Dive Overview:

Kevin Vranes is photographed for a professional photo.

Kevin Vranes has been named Worldly's Chief Product Officer.

Courtesy of Worldly

Worldwide renamed from its former name, Higg Co, in May 2023. The platform hosts the Higg Material Sustainability Index, originally developed by the Sustainable Apparel Coalition. now Cascale to measure the durability of a garment. The consumer portion of the program has been discontinued since its inception reported by the Norwegian Consumer Authority in 2022 for allegations of greenwashing.

Almost 400 brands use the Worldly platform, and it's connected to nearly 50,000 individual factories, chief strategy officer James Schaffer previously told Fashion Dive. The platform aims to help customers use their data to comply with various disclosure regulations, including those in the EU. Directive on Corporate Sustainability Reportingand follow scientific objectives for their sustainability goals.

Our mission is to help the consumer goods industry make clear and credible progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals, and we believe this effort is underpinned by comprehensive and actionable data, Raskin said in the release. Kevin and Jay will expertly contribute to Worldly's development of the Higg Index as well as innovative new solutions and bringing them to market in a way that resonates with our customers and underscores our commitment to supporting them towards a compliant and sustainable future.

Vranes joins Worldly after working with Salesforce and leading the development of the company’s Net Zero Cloud product, according to the release. He has also held senior and executive positions in the high-tech, cleantech, energy and environmental sectors and served as a congressional research scientist on Capitol Hill, according to the release.

Gaines was most recently director of marketing at AgentSync. He was previously CMO and Researcher at Sirius Decisions, where he led the development and delivery of data-driven frameworks, strategies and insights to business leaders, helping clients make decisions and implement implement strategies to maximize their growth and brand value.

Worldly launched its Facility Data Manager a tool in May that helps companies track progress toward their decarbonization goals.




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