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Best Sweat Shorts for Men 2024

Best Sweat Shorts for Men 2024


When you're looking for comfort, reach for a pair of sweat shorts. They're soft and comfortable enough for sleeping and lounging, but they can also be worn to the gym, jogging, or playing pickleball. And while the sweat shorts of yesteryear were pretty shapeless, today's best men's sweat shorts, including our top picks, Ponto lined shorts and the Lululemon Soft Jersey Shortsare stylish and fitted enough to wear around town. (You can even swim in determined pairs(in fact.) Below, we've rounded up the most comfortable, coolest, and most versatile sweat shorts to wear right now.

Editor's Picks at a Glance

Shop all the best men's sweat shorts

These soft, lightweight shorts are made from Vuoris' four-way stretch DreamKnit fabric, which wicks away moisture, dries quickly, and absorbs odors (so go ahead and sweat it out). They also have zippered pockets for storing your keys, phone, or credit card, and the fabric is made from recycled materials, making them eco-friendly, too.

Lululemon's sweat shorts have a relaxed fit and a classic length that's not too long or too short. They're made from a stretchy fabric that wicks sweat and dries quickly, and the inside is brushed for a luxe feel. The side pockets have hidden pockets for phones and coins, and there's a zippered pocket on the back for a credit card. Another great feature: The waistband is designed so you can wear the drawstring on the outside (for a more casual look) or on the inside (for a more polished vibe).

Nike Sportswear Tech Fleece Shorts

Designed for a loose, almost boxy fit, these sweat shorts are made from a blend of cotton and recycled polyester (derived from recycled plastic bottles) and come in two sleek, understated colors: Sail and Dark Stucco. Keep in mind that this pair is a bit on the heavier side, so they're ideal for cooler weather.

These sweat shorts are designed to look like the old-school athletic shorts you wore in college, with a wide elastic waistband, longer length, and classic drawstring. But Buck Mason elevates theirs with a midweight French terry fabric that’s cut to prevent the shorts from shrinking vertically in the wash. Sure, they only come in two colors, Soft Blue and Concrete, but these versatile hues will pair with most items in your closet.

Fair Harbor Shorts

These shorts are all about versatility: They come in 6- and 8-inch lengths, sizes up to 3XL, and an optional BreezeKnit liner, which provides extra support and coverage. Also worth noting: The lightweight, four-way stretch fabric is water-repellent, so you can jump right in the pool after your workout, and it's made from recycled plastic bottles.

Young boys love Chubbies shorts because they tend to be shorter than other brands. They are a perfect 5.5 inch length and are made from incredibly soft terry cloth. There are also plenty of pocket spaces and the drawstrings don't fray. Some may find the logo on the back pocket a little annoying, but that's part of the fun, casual vibe of these shorts.

If you prefer sweat shorts that hit closer to the knee, try the Under Armour men's Rivals. The French terry fabric is smooth on the outside and has a warm, soft inner lining. Plus, the material wicks sweat and dries quickly. The longer, raw-edge hem is cool and casual, and the shorts come in a wide range of sizes (XS to 4XL) and colors (44 in total).

Todd Snyder collaborated with Champion to reinvent the brand's iconic old-school tracksuits. The track shorts feature a flattering, tailored fit; they're made from midweight French terry and have a patch pocket at the back. The look is both classic and modern.

You know how nice it feels to wrap yourself in a warm towel after a dip in the pool? That’s what it feels like to wear these terry sweat shorts. They have a not-too-short 7-inch length, a relaxed straight leg, and premium details like a coconut button on the back. In addition to a solid blue (called Stormy Sky), these shorts also come in summery prints like Twilight Coral Floral and Endless Peaks.

Thoughtful details like cotton ribbing at the waist and sides, a woven ribbon logo, a faux fly, and an interior mesh media pocket dress up these cotton-poly sweat shorts. Just note that these shorts are final sale, so pay close attention to sizing when ordering.

These shorts are only $16 but look luxurious and expensive. That's partly due to the chic color range (choose from hues like light beige, turquoise, and dark taupe) and the lightweight, brushed cotton-polyester blend. Adding to their appeal: They're made from recycled materials and come in a wide range of sizes (from XS to 3XL).

Made from a lightweight cotton-blend jersey, these shorts are garment-dyed for a relaxed, worn-in look. They feature a sleek contrasting black drawstring and are cut for a loose, relaxed fit. James Perses' sizing is a little tricky, but the idea is to order based on your waist measurement (size 1 is W30, size 2 is W32, size 3 is W34, size 4 is W36, and size 5 is W38).

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We thoroughly research, test, and review the products we recommend, including the best sweat shorts for men.

  • This article was edited by Associate Editor Kari Molvar, who has been writing and editing lifestyle content, including health and fitness articles, for over 20 years.
  • This article was written by contributing fashion editor Lesley Rotchford, who has been writing about women's and men's fashion for almost 25 years.
  • To ensure our reviews match customer feedback, we review reviews and consider buyer experiences before recommending clothing or shoes.

How to Choose the Best Sweat Shorts for Men


Many men wear athletic shorts to lounge around, but they're also often worn for sports. For this reason, look for cotton-polyester blends with a bit of spandex for comfort and flexibility. Moisture-wicking and quick-drying features are also key. (Cotton-polyester blends are also less likely to shrink and hold their shape better after washing than other materials.) French terry cotton is a popular fabric for athletic shorts because it's especially soft and comfortable.


Inseams are a matter of preference. Younger men tend to like shorter inseams (around 5 inches), but longer lengths that skim the knees (7 inches or more) can look clean and neat, especially when paired with a matching sweatshirt. If you plan on wearing your athletic shorts to exercise, shorter versions will offer more flexibility and won't get in the way of your workout. Lululemon And Chubbies make options with shorter inside seams.


Most of the sweat shorts on this list have a relaxed fit, which makes sense since sweat shorts are typically worn for lounging. But some styles, like the Ponto lined shortsAthletic shorts are a little more fitted, which makes them look more dressy and less sporty, so you can wear them around town. But you don't want them to be too tight; athletic shorts should still be comfortable and look good.


Back then, sweat shorts were almost always gray or black, but some brands, notably Buck Masoncreate sweat shorts in chic, muted neutrals that give them a more polished, sleek look. Look for shades like beige, taupe, cream, olive, and light blue.


Sweat shorts typically have side slit pockets and sometimes a patch pocket on the back (which is there more for style than function). However, a few styles on this list have zippered pockets that are useful for storing your phone or wallet and keeping them safe so you don't have to worry about them falling out while you're working out or walking. Lululemon Soft Jersey Shorts even has specially designed mesh inserts to hold your phone and coins.

Why wear sweat shorts?

Athletic shorts have many of the same performance features as regular athletic shorts, like moisture-wicking fabrics and flexible elastic drawstring waistbands. But they're a lot more comfortable. You won't necessarily curl up for a nap in your athletic shorts or pull them on after getting out of the shower, but athletic shorts offer a pajama-like comfort that makes them ideal for lounging around.

How to wash sweat shorts?

Wash athletic shorts in cold water on a delicate cycle, as hot water and excessive spinning can damage the fibers. Then, tumble dry them on low heat or lay flat to dry. Most of the shorts on the list contain polyester, which helps protect them from shrinking.

Are sweat shorts good for summer?

Sweat shorts tend to be a bit thicker and heavier than nylon workout shorts, but you can still wear them during the summer. In fact, some styles are quite lightweight and designed for warmer weather, like the James Perse Garment Dyed Cotton Jersey Drawstring Shorts.

How to wear sweat shorts?

Slim-fitting, streamlined sweat shorts have become a street style staple. To make them look a little more dressed up and polished, pair them with a sweatshirt or tee in the same color for a sleek, monochrome look. (For inspiration, check out the H&M (pair, above.) As for shoes, trendy white sneakers are always perfect, or try Birkenstocks.

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