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What Fashion Doesn't Understand About Menopause

What Fashion Doesn't Understand About Menopause


Lack of awareness and knowledge leaves many women misdiagnosed or suffering in silence. Short initially thought she had ADHD, while Weitzner mistook her brain fog for early-onset Alzheimer's. Actress Halle Berry was famous for her role in the film misdiagnosed with herpes According to menopause expert Dr Louise Newson, this means women are taking longer off work to undergo unnecessary tests and consultations with the wrong specialists, and waiting longer to access the right treatment. Untreated menopause also carries serious health risks, including heart disease, osteoporosis and diabetes, which can also impact on work.

Fashion companies that fail to support their employees through menopause risk losing experienced talent. It will cost employers far less to invest in menopause policies than to replace a single woman who leaves her role due to a lack of menopause support, especially if those women end up suing their former employers, which is increasingly common, says Deborah Garlick, CEO of workplace consultancy Henpicked, which works with companies across all sectors, including fashion, to implement menopause policies.

Attracting and retaining women through menopause starts with recognizing them. Having a menopause policy in place can reassure employees that the company they work for sees them as human beings, not just human resources, Garlick says. Many people don’t feel comfortable talking about it. [menopause]But awareness is one of the most important interventions companies can make, she adds. To normalize menopause in the workplace, Garlick recommends holding awareness sessions and gathering employee feedback, so that the resulting HR policies can be shaped by what people in the organization actually want and need.

There is no one-size-fits-all policy when it comes to menopause. Garlick suggests starting by assessing your employees’ work environment and implementing interventions that help women manage their symptoms. Do your work schedules allow employees to take breaks, get water or go to the bathroom, and monitor hot flashes or sudden periods? If your staff wears uniforms, are they made of breathable fabrics?

Some fashion and beauty players are taking matters into their own hands. Ana Herrera, who previously had a high-profile career in beauty, entered surgical menopause after a hysterectomy to treat stage 4 endometriosis. That’s what inspired her to create Hormone University, an educational platform focused on hormonal health, as well as an endocrine-disrupting product verification platform that she says helps companies update the cleaning and hygiene products they use in offices.

Sarah Curran, founder of luxury online retailer My Wardrobe and who has since held senior roles at Shop Direct and French Connection, among others, says working from home helped her cope with menopause because she could manage her symptoms in private while still interacting with colleagues online. “I could be on top of business and on the bottom of menopause,” she jokes. In 2023, she founded Just Hotter, a menopause retail platform and health and wellness content to provide information and options for women who don’t want to treat their menopause with hormone replacement therapy (HRT). There’s a lot of judgement about how women deal with menopause, but it’s a personal choice, she says.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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