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Kollin Carter Creates His Own Fashion Legacy – Essence

Kollin Carter Creates His Own Fashion Legacy – Essence


Kollin Carter Creates His Own Fashion Legacy


In the ever-evolving landscape of fashion, few designers have managed to leave an indelible mark as quickly and decisively as Kollin Carter. Known for his transformative work with a roster of A-list clients including Cardi B, Normani, Victoria Mont, Kelly Rowland and Ciara, Carter is now extending his influence to elevate creative sensibilities, beginning with his first hosting roles during the BET Awards weekend. Kicking off his personal weekend of firsts was a brunch hosted at the intersection of style, creativity and culinary excellence.

On a Hollywood rooftop with a direct view of the iconic hilltop sign, Kollin Carter curated a new take on brunch using his highly specialized curatorial eye. He created an empowering environment for the people who help top talent shine and perform at their best. The inaugural DUSS Brunch Society was held in Los Angeles, marking the start of a new series of dinners that bring together artists, stylists, and creative industry clients in major cities.

Kollin Carter Creates His Own Fashion Legacy
Vivien Killilea/Getty Images for D'USS Cognac

Present were fellow celebrity fashion designers Law Roach and Wayman and MicahEmmy and Golden Globe winner Niecy Nash and actor and rapper Joey Badass, among others. As part of the partnership with Carter, DUSS, the event’s founding sponsor, helped Carter create the event’s signature cocktail, the Kollin DUSS Lemonade Spritz, featuring crisp peach, fresh basil and Prosecco alongside the historic cognac. More than 20 years after its founding, DUSS is a cultural pillar of fine dining and a pop culture touchstone, founded by Jay-Z in partnership with Michel Casavecchiaone of the greatest cellar masters in the world.

The daytime ceremony took place at The roof of the Grandmaster in Los Angelesfeaturing a curated menu of cocktails and food ahead of the highly anticipated BET Awards each year. A prelude to one of the largest celebrations of Black talent, the brunch offers guests a space for reflection, providing a calm and empowering atmosphere to swap stories, catch up with industry peers, and share a unified sense of pride. For Carter, it’s a particularly powerful moment to lead.

Kollin Carter Creates His Own Fashion Legacy
Tommaso Boddi/Getty Images for D'USS Cognac

For much of her career, the creative stylist has used her talents to enhance the beauty in others. It's her gift to see where people and moments can be amplified to spark the most excitement in others. When I was younger, I would get together with my friends [wed spend time] I would draw and come up with ideas for dresses. My family knew I was passionate about fashion and we all knew it was something I was going to do. [when] I got older. After working in production spaces and running his own test shoots, he considered a career in fashion editing and moved to New York to pursue his dream.

Kollin Carter Creates His Own Fashion Legacy
Vivien Killilea/Getty Images for D'USS Cognac

As a Black designer working primarily with Black women, he has had to navigate the often rigid and exclusive structures of high fashion, which have a history of denying rites of entry to celebrities of color or clients with diverse bodies. Traditional fashion institutions have long been dominated by an often homogenous elite, where sample sizes and aesthetic standards have not been inclusive of diverse body types and cultural expressions.

While working in the fashion editorial world in New York, Kollin Carter became aware of these barriers and, after a while, decided that the art he wanted to create would be more achievable in another market. So he moved to Los Angeles, where everything quickly changed. Now, after years of experience creating iconic looks on some of the world’s most high-profile celebrities, Carter is excited about the opportunity to receive his flowers. “It means a lot to be recognized,” Carter tells ESSENCE. “For so many years, I felt like an outsider, overlooked. But I was always very focused and did the work behind the scenes with pride. It was never a goal to be in the spotlight, but I’m thrilled to have earned the right to be seen as a talent as well.”

Kollin Carter Creates His Own Fashion Legacy
Vivien Killilea/Getty Images for D'USS Cognac

Carter’s style approach is as meticulous as it is inspired. He draws from a wide range of influences, combining contemporary trends with timeless elements to create looks that are both fashion-forward and enduring. His thoughts revolve around the impact that Black people have had on fashion styles around the world. He spoke about this at length, noting, “Our community has always been the trendsetter. It’s important that people recognize the model for so many of these glamorous, culturally impactful moments that feature Black people in front of or behind the lens.”

One can only hope that this will happen, with the continued impact of social media. Carter also touched on this, noting that the visibility of his own style moments has been made possible by the accessibility of content now. With social media, the industry has changed so much, he tells ESSENCE, nodding to the shift in understanding of all the players that make a Hollywood image possible. Fashion stylist Law Roach, for example, is something of a celebrity himself today, perhaps the most visible example of the phenomenon Carter describes. 1719874810People want to know who you are. You’re not just seen as an assistant anymore. I appreciate the shift the industry has made in recognizing the people who make the magic happen.

Kollin Carter Creates His Own Fashion Legacy
Vivien Killilea/Getty Images for D'USS Cognac

Carter's influence extends beyond aesthetics; he plays a vital role in driving cultural trends and giving his creative peers their due. Last night at the BET Awards, wearing wake uphe presented honors to Five Emerging Black Fashion Designersemphasizing the importance of providing emerging artists with mentorship, resources and financial support that will propel their careers and accelerate their career trajectory. Carter’s partnership with DUSS is a perfect example of this same synergy.

By organizing the DUSS Brunch Society, Carter is building a community by merging fashion with lifestyle. DUSS, like Carter, has been instrumental in redefining luxury for the modern audience, making it more accessible and inclusive. Together, they are creating a new paradigm of elegant luxury that appeals to a broader audience, bringing high fashion and good humor to the brunch table.




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