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Olivia Culpo Explains Why She Didn't Want Her Wedding Dress to Smell Sex


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NFL star Christian McCaffrey and Olivia Culpo officially tied the knot in a coastal wedding ceremony over the weekend.

The San Francisco 49ers player, 28, and the former Miss Universe winner, 32, tied the knot on Saturday (June 29) in Culpo's home state of Rhode Island. The ceremony, attended by Prince Constantine Alexios of Greece and Denmark, Victoria's Secret model Devon Windsor and several NFL players, took place at Watch Hill Chapel in Rhode Island.

Culpo walked down the aisle in a modest white dress with long sleeves and a full-coverage crew neckline, custom-designed by Dolce & Gabbana. “I didn't want it to smell like sex in any way, shape or form,” the model said. Vogue about her wedding dress in an interview published Saturday.

She described marriage as a covenant and wanted her wedding dress to reflect the importance of the occasion. “It’s the beginning of the rest of your life and it’s the union and bonding of two people forever,” Culpo said. “I wanted something that was as serious as that commitment.”

The custom gown reportedly took months to design with the Italian fashion house. In addition to a 5-meter lace veil, the ball gown also featured a billowy skirt with a buttoned back and a dropped waist. “I wanted it to be effortless and compliment me, not overpower me,” Culpo explained. “There’s so much beauty and simplicity in it.”

When the Dolce & Gabbana atelier presented Culpo with her sketch, the former beauty pageant winner said she had absolutely no notes. It was exactly the same as the original sketch, she said. Vogue about the dress she finally wore to her wedding. It was the first, last and only wedding dress I ever tried on.

She opted for a minimalist look, skipping mascara, lip liner and eyebrow makeup and wearing her hair down with a simple middle part. However, Culpo added a touch of opulence to her wedding look with a pair of 15-carat De Beers diamond earrings.

Culpo explained that her decision to wear a modest wedding dress was inspired by her relationship with McCaffrey, which began when they sparked romance rumors in 2019. “When I think about Christian and what he loves and the moments when he thinks I'm the most beautiful, it's definitely something like that: timeless, covered and elegant,” she said.

As for the reception, held at the Ocean House, a historic resort in Watch Hill Culpo, it was another Dolce & Gabbana creation: an off-the-shoulder, high-waisted chiffon gown with a handmade silk flower on the neckline. The cocktail menu included Champagne and lobster rolls, according to Vogueas guests were led into the dinner tent through a floral arch filled with roses, peonies and hydrangeas.

As her friends and family headed to the dance floor, Culpo donned her third and final bridal look: a silk bodysuit with a cage mini skirt, both adorned with handmade organza flowers and accessorized with tulle gloves and a floral satin choker.

Christian and I both felt like our wedding weekend was the beginning of our lives together as a family, Culpo added. I wanted it to be intimate but also have the gravity of the moment.

The couple announced their engagement on Instagram In April 2023, McCaffrey popped the question during a trip to Utah, as black-and-white photos showed the athlete getting down on one knee. Another image also showed Culpo's massive engagement ring, which featured a large oval diamond in the center of the shoulder stones.

Culpo supported her then-fiancé throughout his recent NFL season, which saw the 49ers face off against the Kansas City Chiefs in the 2024 Super Bowl. In January, when McCaffrey's team secured its Super Bowl berth, Culpo spoke out. Instagram to congratulate his partner on his achievement.

You deserve it, Christian, she wrote in the caption of a video of them kissing on the field. I love you so much.

The running backs team lost to the Chiefs 22-25 in Super Bowl LVIII.




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