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Chembur College students denied entry as it introduces new dress code banning jeans, T-shirts | Mumbai News

Chembur College students denied entry as it introduces new dress code banning jeans, T-shirts | Mumbai News


On Monday, students of Acharya & Marathe College in Chembur, wearing jeans and T-shirts, were in for a rude shock when they were stopped from entering the college.

Reason? The university issued a new dress code banning jeans and T-shirts, days after the Bombay High Court dismissed a petition filed by university students challenging the institute's dress code banning the hijab and other religious identifiers that it had issued last year.

According to the college's notice titled “Dress Code and Other Rules” dated June 27, ripped jeans, T-shirts, revealing dresses and jerseys are not allowed.

The notice, signed by college principal Dr Vidyagauri Lele, states: “Students should wear formal and decent attire on campus. They can wear half shirt or loose shirt and trousers. Girls can wear any Indian or western attire. Students should not wear attire that shows religious or cultural disparity. Nakab, hijab, burkha, stole, cap, badge, etc. should be removed while going to the common rooms on the ground floor and only then can they move around the college campus.”

Ateeque Khan of the Govandi Citizens Association, who was contacted by many students, said: “Last year, they banned the hijab. This year, they have banned jeans and T-shirts, which are very commonly worn not only by college-going youth but by everyone, irrespective of religion and gender. We don’t understand what they are trying to impose on students by imposing such impractical dress codes.”

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However, according to the institution, the administration is preparing them to join the corporate world. The principal of the institution, Dr Lele, said, “We just want the students to wear decent clothes. We have not brought a uniform, but have asked them to wear formal Indian or Western clothes. After all, they will have to wear them once they are hired.”

Dr Lele said the dress code was communicated to students at the time of admission and she did not understand why they should worry about it now. “Out of 365 days of the year, students hardly need to stay in the university for 120 to 130 days. What problem should they have in adhering to a dress code on those days?” she said, adding that it was because of multiple cases of indecent behaviour by students on campus that the administration decided to implement the new dress code.

In the last academic session, the university introduced uniforms for junior students, banning hijab among other religious symbols. Students were asked to remove their hijab or niqab at a designated place in the university after entering the gate. Nine students had filed a petition in the Bombay High Court against the ban. But their petition was dismissed by the high court last month, saying the larger academic interest does not violate rights.

Earlier in May, Chembur College was also under fire for imposing a dress code on students in its college section. According to students, while the May dress code stipulates that burqa, niqab, hijab or any other religious markings such as badges, caps or stoles are not allowed inside the college, the new code, declared on June 27, also bans jeans and T-shirts.




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