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Renauld White, groundbreaking model and actor, dies at 80

Renauld White, groundbreaking model and actor, dies at 80


Renauld White, a trailblazing model and the first black man to appear on the cover of GQ, has died. He was 80.

White died Friday after being treated at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. Fashion designer and longtime friend Jeffrey Banks confirmed the news via Instagram with a message dedicated to their friendship and collaborative work.

“We were so honored to have represented Renauld at Bella Agency New York for the past 10 years. He will be greatly missed in the fashion world, but he will not be forgotten for all the milestones he accomplished,” agency owner and founder Ray Volant said in a statement to The Times. Renauld’s passion and perseverance were an inspiration to many. He helped young models find their place in the industry. He was one of a kind.

Volant told the Times via email that he was proud to have worked with White over the years.

A cover of GQ magazine featuring model Renauld White wearing a brown leather jacket and a dark purple turtleneck sweater

Renauld White was the first black man to appear on the cover of GQ.

(Bella Agency)

White was born on February 1, 1944, in Newark, New Jersey, to Maybelline Scott White, a hat model, and Robert White Sr. He would go on to appear prominently in magazines such as Essence, Ebony and Jet, and notably became the first black model to grace the cover of men's magazine GQ, according to an obituary published by Whigham Funeral Home.

He was the first black model to promote a mainstream men's hair product, Vitalis Hair Tonic. His talents extended to television with roles on One Life to Live, General Hospital and Inside Job. IMDb credits him with a role in seven episodes of the soap opera Guiding Light. A theater enthusiast, White performed in various off-Broadway productions in New York, including Antony and Cleopatra, Twelfth Night and Medea, according to the obituary.

White has also made his mark on the fashion world, walking the runways of prestigious shows and collaborating with renowned designers such as Bill Blass, Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren and Donna Karan, in addition to Banks.

For me, modeling since the beginning of my career, RENAULD has always been the perfect gentleman and a great ambassador for my brand, Banks wrote on Instagram. When I first met my mother, she immediately claimed he was my older brother. I wish it were that way. I will miss our conversations and time together, but I will always remember the barriers you broke in the fashion industry and the love you shared as a trusted friend.

White is survived by his brother Colin White, his sister-in-law Grace Scott and his nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his brothers Maurice Scott and Robert White Jr. and his nephew Bryant Scott.

A public funeral is planned for July 12 in Newark.




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