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Kylie Jenner Wears $495 Denim Dress and Matching $950 Boots to Khlo Kardashian's Denim and Diamond Party


Kylie Jenner brought a country touch to Khlowood!

The Kylie Cosmetics founder, 26, wore head-to-toe Alexander Wang to sister Khlo Kardashian's saloon-themed 40th birthday party in Los Angeles (inspired by Dolly Parton's Dollywood) on Saturday, June 29, which had a strict “denim and diamonds” dress code.

As seen in a video Kyle posted on Instagram On Sunday, June 30, she wore a $495 denim tube dress made from Alexander Wang's stretch denim so she can easily participate in nighttime activities, including riding a mechanical bull with best friend Stassie Karanikolaou and dancing with sister Kim Kardashian.

Stassie Karanikolaou and Kylie Jenner ride a mechanical bull at Khlo Kardashian's 40th birthday party.

Kylie Jenner/Instagram

She completed her look with a matching pair of $950 Alexander Wang shoes. washed denim slouchy bootsKylie was dressed by Alex and MacKenzie Grandquist for the party.

Kris Jenner partied with Kyle at Khlowood alongside Kourtney Kardashian and her husband Travis Barker, all wearing denim looks. Guests like Sara Foster and Kimora Lee Simmons enjoyed performances from rappers Snoop Dogg, Warren G and Kurupt.

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As seen in Kyle's video, while she was exhausted and hungry after dancing and riding a mechanical bull, she and Karanikolaou snuck out to eat pigs in a blanket and also enjoyed In and Out fast food burgers while looking very glamorous.

“Best night of my life ??” the mogul captioned the video, which was enjoyed by Kathy Hilton, Chloe Bailey and other celebrities.

Kylie Jenner and Stassie Karanikolaou attend Khlo Kardashian's 40th birthday party in sexy Western-inspired looks.

Kylie Jenner/Instagram

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Kylie has had a long-standing relationship with Alexander Wang, having attended numerous fashion shows with the brand over the years.

She included the brand in her birthday look when she turned 21 in 2018 when she wore a $6,000 black Alexander Wang feather headband that read Party Animal for a birthday-themed photoshoot.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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