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Trending Clothing Styles Celebrities Are Loving This Summer

Trending Clothing Styles Celebrities Are Loving This Summer


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Now, we know what you're thinking: wearing sleepwear during the day is nothing new—or at least, it hasn't been since the '90s. That may be true, but what's different is the explosion of choice this season, thanks to fashion influencers embracing the romantic nightgown trend like never before (the The Bridgerton Chronicle effect Again?).

The perfect solution for a stylish wardrobe during a heatwave, these dresses are either described as nightgowns by the brand or designed to look and feel like a nightgown. You've got silk slides Nightgowns are a favourite of Kate Moss and her peers, and can be worn with sandals for a summer evening, under a blazer for the office or over a roll-neck jumper in the colder months. Then there are the light and floaty styles inspired by nightdresses from every era, often adorned with Victorian lace trims, pretty embroidery and feminine ruffles. The common thread between all nightgowns is their comfort, even when the mercury is soaring, combined with an unapologetic femininity.

Just scroll through fashion Instagram and you'll see how popular the nightgown is. I think they look especially cool paired with “ugly” shoes like fisherman sandals, strollers or the new one Birks shiny black I just bought this, it's all about that bold, heavy contrast with the delicate fabric, a la Alexa Chung at Glastonbury in her statement outfit butter yellow Chunky jewelry is another perfect partner for the nightgown, to give it a fresh and soft feel.

Night dress trendNight dress trend

Dave Bennett – Getty Images

Nightgowns also overlap with the bohemian revival, with a poster girl Sienna Miller I recently wore a gorgeous cream maxi dress from Chloé's Spring 2025 collection to the LA premiere of the new western film, Horizon: An American Saga. The silk charmeuse, lace inserts, ruffles on the bodice, and tiered skirt made this dress my favorite. red carpet dress of the summer so far. Also note how the star styled it with black knee-high boots, showing us that we'll all be wearing this look come fall.

night gownnight gown

Steve Granitz – Getty Images

If you're looking for a nightgown to buy now and love forever, another advantage of this trend is its vintage inspiration and therefore its timeless character, so make it a Do (head there for buy alexa's dress), RIXO, Damascus MadderSleeper and If Only If are your first ports of call. But don't overlook more affordable mainstream favorites like Marks & SpencerEither a puff-sleeved nightie from good old M&S was a sell-out hit during the holidays last summer, and there's a new satin printed shirt in Rosie Huntington-Whiteley's lingerie range, which we're buying before it disappears and definitely not saving for the bedroom.

It’s hardly surprising that the nightgown is on the rise, given the rise of chic yet comfortable loungewear and leisurewear this decade. I love how it has a flirty, rebellious, “I shouldn’t wear this outside” vibe while still remaining understated. But don’t worry, we can promise you that you won’t be the only one taking your nightgown for a stroll around town, to the park for a picnic, or to cocktails on the details” are already everywhere, after all. Just wear them in a way that lets people know you didn't just fall out of bed and you'll look perfectly put together.

So, ready to shop some of our favorite nightgowns? Ready, set, add to cart…

The fact that this issue is limited to the nightwear section is a crime, but I think M&S knows we're going to release it.

Period movie fans, don't miss this new midi dress with its cute little bow and what the brand calls “nightgown” ruffles. But where is this Mr. Darcy…

I want the Clarice dress in every color, but the navy polka dot is at the top of my wish list (after the leopard print (exhausted). This would make a nice wedding guest dress.

Our editor-in-chief, Sarah Tomczak, owns this gorgeous dress with its shimmering gold stripes, ruched sleeves, and lace details. “This is a dress for the holidays and beyond!” she says.

New to the coveted If Only If range, this linen nightie will be a blessing in a heatwave and so refreshing to wear in the sun-drenched holiday sunshine.

Nightwear brand Desmond & Dempsey has some cool printed nighties, including these fun jaguar ones. We're eyeing the black base floral style Also.

We love everything about Alexa Chung's Glastonbury dress and it comes from one of our favorite free-spirited, California-cool-girl brands.

Sleeper's Dreamy Evening Dress is a luxury loungewear brand. No other brand manages to blur the line between day and night as expertly.

Sarah also has this nightie in her collection (I know, we all want to raid her wardrobe too). It's the epitome of 1930s glamour and so elegant with a touch of simplicity beige sandalsas she wears it in the Instagram photo above. “Faune still has such a romantically French feel to it, even though it’s run by two of the loveliest South East Londoners I know!” she says.

We will be taking this pretty embroidered nightie on our next beach vacation. It also looks great in navy.

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