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Eva Amurri reacts to wedding dress, leaving critics outraged

Eva Amurri reacts to wedding dress, leaving critics outraged
Eva Amurri reacts to wedding dress, leaving critics outraged


Eva Amurri responds to critics outraged by her wedding dress Screenshot for later 163

Eva Amuri Theo Wargo/Getty Images for BAM

Susan SarandonThe daughter of Eva Amuri No more people criticizing her wedding dress.

“It was truly the most special day, filled with so much love and the most incredible energy,” Amurri, 39, wrote via her Instagram account. Instagram Story on Monday, July 1, alongside photos from her wedding to chef Ian Hock. “And to anyone who might be outraged that my boobs aren't 'tidy'…”

In the next slide, which was a close-up photo of Amurri's cleavage in her strapless Kim Kassas gown, she wrote, “Feel free to screenshot for later,” along with a kissing face emoji.

“I love how vintage it is and how ultra feminine it is without being too baggy,” said the actress and lifestyle blogger. People of her dress, which she purchased at Bridal Reflections in New York City on Saturday, June 30. “I wanted to feel sexy but elegant, and I think the dress strikes the perfect balance.”

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Courtesy of Eva Amurri/Instagram

Amurri was so excited about her wedding dress that she teased it in an exclusive interview with We Weekly last month. “It was great picking out a dress because I know myself a lot better as a woman,” she said on June 13. “I felt like I had the right to be sexier at this wedding this time than I did last time.”

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Golden Bachelor star Gerry Turner, Lauren Alaina, Usher and more celebrities attended the chapel in 2024 and tied the knot. Turner met Theresa Nist on the inaugural season of the Bachelor Nation spinoff, which aired in late 2023. Weeks after their televised proposal, Turner and Nist tied the knot in a live televised ceremony on January 1. […]

She exclaimed: “This is exactly what I had in mind. It perfectly reflects the woman I am today.”

Eva Amurri responds to critics outraged by her wedding dress Screenshot for later 164
Courtesy of Eva Amurri/Instagram

Amurri is the daughter of Sarandon, 77, and a film director Franco AmurriAfter announcing her engagement to Hock in February 2023, the couple tied the knot at a small “French garden party”-inspired bash held Saturday in New York's Hudson Valley. The party was small, with just 40 guests in attendance.

“We really wanted our little family unit to be at the heart of it, and for it to be as much about the kids as it is about us,” Amurri told People. She has three children — Marlowe Mae, 9, Major James, 7, and Mateo Antoni, 4 — with her ex-husband Martine Lapointe. (The couple were married for eight years until their separation in November 2019.)

“This is my second time doing this type of wedding, and I found it much easier to plan because I learned a lot from my first wedding experience and I know myself very well at this point in my life,” Amurri continued, adding that she also didn’t “hire a wedding planner,” opting to “create the whole wedding vibe myself.” She admitted that the DIY approach was “nervous at times.”

“I didn't have three children the last time I got married,” Amurri told People on Saturday. “But overall it was really special to be able to focus on all the little details and make our day really personal.”




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