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A complete guide to the best menswear brands, from big brands to independent designers

A complete guide to the best menswear brands, from big brands to independent designers


Men tend to take a completely different approach when it comes to buying clothes. Rather than spending hours scouring the internet for the perfect outfit, whether that’s a wedding guest dress or a different look for every day at Glastonbury, they prefer a one-off approach. Usually, that means bulk ordering a selection of pieces that they’ll wear in rotation throughout the year.

This could be shirts, suits, t-shirts, denim, outerwear, polo shirts, etc. Many men like to buy almost everything from a few select places. With this in mind, it is prudent to know the best men's clothing brands in the abyss of the internet so that you don't end up buying the first thing you find on Google.

Our advice? It's best to follow a low-key luxury program. Not just because low-key wealth has been on the rise since Logan Roy and his family first appeared on our screens in Succession In 2018, but also because menswear looks best when understated quality is prioritized. This year, the trend is updated with #OldMoneyAesthetic (which most likely featured on your For You page with over 159 million posts on TikTok), so it seems the appetite for understated, well-made clothing isn't going away anytime soon.

The best way to master this is to look for brands that make classics and do them well. The key is to remember that it's all in the details, from a perfectly cut pair of jeans in heavyweight denim to a t-shirt with sleeves that are just the right length. You can head to Arket or Mango Man for a solid selection of high-quality clothing, invest in a capsule wardrobe like Sunspel or Rise & Fall, or even treat yourself to an investment piece from Loewe or Bottega Veneta.

Either way, we've rounded up our favorite pieces from top brands in the list below.

The heroes of mass distribution: Arktet, Cos, Uniqlo, Mango

When shopping high street, Arket and Cos is always a safe bet. Their collections are full of timeless classics season after season, from quality shirts to perfect straight-leg trousers. Elsewhere, Uniqlos knitwear and basics are year-round wardrobe staples that you’ll want in every colour. But if you’re looking for a suit, Mangos is your best bet, especially their latest collaboration with Italian fashion house Boglioli.

Mango X Boglioli

Double-breasted blazer in virgin wool twill


Washable ribbed crewneck sweater in Milanese knit

Luxury brands: Loewe, Bottega Veneta, Prada

Buying luxury pieces requires a little more thought. Since it’s such an investment, you’ll want these pieces to be timeless. So, to avoid future fashion fatigue, opt for one of the brand’s classics. One of Prada’s signatures, for example, is the loafer, which is a silhouette that always seems to be in style. Loews’ coveted Puzzle bags are a timeless addition to any accessories collection. And while denim may be one of Bottega Veneta’s newest codes, once you try their jeans, you’ll never go back.

Bottega Veneta

High waisted straight cut faded jeans


Cambridge Appliqué Cotton Canvas Jacket

Advanced Basics: Rise & Fall, Asket, Sunspel and CDLP

The term ‘capsule wardrobe’ is a hot topic in the menswear world. It’s essentially about creating a collection of basics that work together no matter what. Luckily, there are plenty of brands that have perfected the art. Stockholm-based CDLP and Asket are two of the best, and both are committed to responsible manufacturing. There’s also Sunspel, home of the best white tee, and Rise & Fall, a new addition to the scene that’s already a favourite of ours.


Classic long cut boxer shorts

Rise and fall

Men's Merino Wool Knitted Polo Sweater

MP X Cubitts

Carlisle Acetate D-Rim Sunglasses

Am I

Ami De Coeur Embroidery Cap

Independent creators: Grace Wales Bonner, Priya Ahluwalia, Our Legacy

If limited edition, exclusive and one-of-a-kind are buzzwords that catch your eye, it’s time to start building your collection of independent designer pieces. Grace Wales Bonner is one of the most sought-after right now, especially her collaborations with Adidas that tend to sell out season after season. Meanwhile, Priya Ahluwalia’s cut-and-sew creations, which draw inspiration from her dual Indian-Nigerian heritage, are perpetually on our wishlist. Or if you prefer minimalist design, Our Legacy is the Swedish label that never fails to deliver. These are brands for men who care about fashion. IYKYK, after all.

Wales Bonner X Adidas

SL76 brushed suede and mesh sneakers with leather trims

Our heritage

Alpaca Blend Striped Polo Shirt


The De Nimes Straight-Leg Jeans

Martine Rose

Cotton jersey t-shirt with graphic print and ribbed trim

The major high-end brands: Reiss, Percival, Paul Smith

For a luxurious moment without the big price tag, high-end department stores have you covered. These design-driven brands use premium fabrics and expert craftsmanship to create collections that go beyond the usual high street. French label Sandro is the purveyor of understated Parisian chic, while London-based Percival is known for its playful take on classics. Reiss, meanwhile, is a go-to for luxurious casualwear, and Paul Smith is the British mainstay you can count on for almost everything from leather goods to tailoring.


Stay Press Auxiliary Pants


Merino wool open collar polo shirt


There’s no doubt that the resale industry is booming, from the growth of secondary activity on Vinted to the archive designer marketplace on HEWI. And, in an era where fast fashion is rapidly taking over, buying secondhand is a great way to cleanse your palette. This season, graphic tees there Loewes’ reinterpretations of JFK Jr.’s I Told Ya T-shirt are all the rage, so head to Rokit or Beyond Retro for more affordable styles. Or, for some secondhand luxury, eBay and Vestiaire both offer authentications for pieces you can trust. And you can’t go wrong with vintage jeans—just make sure they feature the red Levi’s tab.


Jacquemus Black Cap

A rocket

Kith X Tom & Jerry T-shirt




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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