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How the luxury food industry takes inspiration from fashions

How the luxury food industry takes inspiration from fashions


“I think one of the reasons Flamingo was so successful is that we focused on the luxury in food,” Christiansen says. “No one had really done that in terms of photography and branding, and treating food as a luxury product.”

That’s what’s evident in this summer’s pop-up with Mytheresa. It’s in its second year, and it’s inspired by a Hermès pop-up at the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, a car show in California. “All these people were obsessed with beautiful vintage cars, and then a fashion house had a pop-up,” Christiansen says. “It makes sense that design-obsessed car enthusiasts would also have a design-obsessed fashion brand there.”

This focus on the best players and, by proxy, the biggest spenders is why Flamingo Estates’ collaboration strategy has been so successful. The right design partner will always be important for luxury brands, Harkin adds. Since launching in 2020, Flamingo has collaborated with top luxury players from a variety of industries: fashion label The Elder Statesman (on a cashmere blanket), Italian architect and designer Gaetano Pesce (on a $3,000 limited-edition ice bucket), and art and design studio Campbell Rey (on a bronze gardening tool set).

Inside the pop-up where luxury food meets luxury fashion.

Inside the pop-up, where luxury food meets luxury fashion.

Photos: Courtesy of Mytheresa

Christiansen appreciates that Mytheresa is willing to go beyond product marketing. It’s really rare to come across a brand that takes risks and has fun, especially in the luxury sector, he says.

Mytheresa can afford to gamble. It’s on track to grow by double digits in the last two quarters of the fiscal year. And CEO Michael Kliger knows the value of those experiences. “We try not to limit ourselves to e-commerce,” he said. Vogue Business in May. You really want to be a community for luxury lovers and to be a community you have to have the speed and convenience of e-commerce, but you also have to have those personal moments.

Christiansen agrees: We need theatre, we need escapism. There is no innovation here, which is perhaps the most innovative thing in the world.

Comments, questions or feedback? Send us an email at [email protected].

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