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Cardi B wows with fabric explosion at Marc Jacobs show

Cardi B wows with fabric explosion at Marc Jacobs show
Cardi B wows with fabric explosion at Marc Jacobs show


Cardi B steals the show!

The rapper, 31, arrived at the Marc Jacobs Fall 2024 fashion show in an explosion of color and platform heels in New York City on Monday, July 1.

Cardi wore a custom lilac, purple and yellow songbird feather dress from Marc Jacobs' Spring 2020 ready-to-wear collection, paired with yellow knit tights and the designer's signature Kiki boots in white.

The Bongos musician added a pair of yellow-rimmed sunglasses to her offbeat look as she wore her hair up in a retro-style beehive while sporting a nude lip and long pink nails.

Cardi pictured with Marc Jacobs at his Fall 2024 show on July 1.

Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty

Cardi was seen in a clip posted on X (formerly Twitter) her striking outfit as she twirled through the halls of the New York Public Library, where the show was taking place. She was also seen in a video Posted by stylist Kollin Carter strutting alongside models at the show.

Yeah, one of the models, bitch! Cardi says in the clip.

Cardi's appearance at the fashion show comes after she headlined the BET Experience concert in Los Angeles on Friday, June 28.

The rapper performed at the Arena wearing an oversized black jersey top decorated with rhinestones, black fingerless leather gloves and Prada Monolith boots.

Cardi B wore a striking feathered dress and platform boots at the show.

Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty

Cardi has been rocking a selection of trendy looks in recent days.

On June 24, she paid tribute to Princess Diana during a shopping trip in Los Angeles.

Matching the late royal's athleisure look from 1997, Cardi wore a white sweatshirt with “Harvard” written on it with white biker shorts and sneakers, and even replicated Princess Diana's signature hairstyle by sporting a short bob with the look.

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Cardi B arriving at the show.

Images from Gotham/GC

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On June 21, the “WAP” singer opted for a low-key look while attending the Hollywood Impact Awards as she wore a oversized black blazer by The Row and a David Koma transparent long skirt (both available for purchase on FWRD).

Cardi elevated her red carpet look with a pair of sheer black gloves, strappy black heels, a diamond necklace and several diamond-encrusted rings.




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