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Eva Amurri silences critics of her cleavage in her wedding dress

Eva Amurri silences critics of her cleavage in her wedding dress


Eva Amuri always delights in the happiness of her wedding weekendand she won't let the enemies put her down.

The 39-year-old daughter of Susan Sarandon took to her Instagram Stories on Monday, sharing some behind-the-scenes photos from her intimate wedding with chef Ian Hock.

The couple tied the knot in New York's Hudson Valley in front of about 40 guests. Eva looked stunning in a corseted strapless wedding dress by Kim Kassas, according to Peoplewhile Ian wore a tailored navy suit.

But according to the Californication actress, some people were offended by the dress.

“And to all those who would be outraged by the fact that my boobs are not 'tidy'…” Eva wrote on a photo of herself and her new husband.

She then posted a zoomed-in photo of her cleavage, adding, “Feel free to screenshot for later,” along with a winking and kissing face emoji.

Ian Hock and Eva Amurri on their wedding day.Eva Amurri/Instagram
Eva Amurri proudly displays her cleavage in her wedding dress.Eva Amurri/Instagram

This is Eva's second marriage. She was previously married to former football star Kyle MartinoThe two split in 2019 after nine years of marriage, and their divorce was finalized in 2020. Eva shares three children with her ex: daughter Marlowe, 9, and sons Major, 7, and Mateo, 4.

Her three children were included in the wedding ceremony that took place this weekend and served as a bridal party, so to speak. Eva and her children participated in a “binding of hands” ceremony as part of the nuptials, to symbolically bind the family members together.

Eva also shared a photo of the blended family together at the wedding.

Eva Amurri and Ian Hock with her children on her wedding day.Eva Amurri/Instagram

She then posted a photo of her bed showing off her new wedding ring, writing: “Back to reality and 36 loads of laundry! But I have an extra device to look at…”

Eva and Ian first revealed their engagement in February 2023 when she took to Instagram to share the good news.

“Those who know us know very well what this moment means to us,” she wrote at the time. “We are so happy. I can’t wait to spend the rest of our days together.”

The couple's engagement came more than two years after she confirmed their romance on her Instagram account. Fortunately Eva after Blog.

Shortly before Eva announced her engagement, she spoke about her childhood in show business, which often seemed “surreal” to her, and compared it to life “in a circus.”

ET spoke with Sarandon in January 2023 about her daughter's comments, and the famous actress shared: “I think normal is very overrated.”

“I think everyone enjoys going to the circus, so I don't see a problem with that as long as all the animals don't get too out of control,” she said. “I think our lives are unusual and they're exposed to a lot of things. [things]. I dragged them around with me whenever I worked, so they went all over the world. I think that's one of the best things I ever gave them, this vision of their place in the world.

“Also, they’re very flexible and adjustable and I think that’s a really, really important thing for kids that adults have,” Sarandon added. “So no excuses here. I’ll talk to his therapist about it, but I’m not apologizing.”





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