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Watch the Exclusive Trailer for Hulu’s New Competition Show ‘Dress My Tour’

Watch the Exclusive Trailer for Hulu’s New Competition Show ‘Dress My Tour’


Who has what it takes to dress a music icon?

Hosted by supermodel Kate Upton, Hulu's new reality competition series Dress me up follows 11 aspiring fashion designers as they compete for the endorsement of music icons including JoJo Siwa, Paula Abdul, Toni Braxton and more.

Alongside Upton, seven-time Emmy Award-winning costume designer Marina Toybina and choreographer-director Laurieann Gibson will judge and mentor the contestants during the competition.

In a trailer shared exclusively with PEOPLE, tensions run high as the creators clash with the judges and each other.

“These music superstars are searching for their next iconic looks and 11 designers will be tasked with creating their next defining moment,” Upton says in a voiceover before explaining that the winner will take home $100,000.

“In each challenge, one of you will be eliminated,” she adds. “The decision will come from your fellow designers.”

About halfway through the trailer, a candidate is seen asking if she can ask a question during the feedback process, to which Gibson curtly responds, “No, you can’t. I want you to listen.”

Dress my tour.

Kevin Estrada/Hulu

Other videos show candidates in tears and arguing with each other. In one tense moment, one candidate accuses another of “disrespecting” his culture and the accused defends himself by saying, “Stop interrupting me!”

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“I am incredibly proud of this exhibition and the opportunity it provides for aspiring creators and cultural curators. I have a hard-working team, an incredible host and two extraordinary mentors and together we are making our dreams come true!” Dr. Holly Carter, creator and producer of Relev Entertainment, exclusively tells PEOPLE.

The words “fashion, talent, ambition, innovation never go out of style” scroll across the stage between images of models parading in their stylish looks and contestants working hard to perfect their creations.

In addition to the aforementioned musical guest judges, rapper JT, Coi Leray, French Montana and Jessie James Decker will also be guest judges.

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“I’m so excited for the world to see this show, which can’t be perfect, with both music and fashion!” Upton tells PEOPLE. “It will give fans a behind-the-scenes look at what goes on behind the glamorous onstage looks we see from our favorite music stars. Not to mention, we got to create this show alongside some of my favorite artists: Paula Abdul, JT, French Montana, Toni Braxton, the list goes on! I think audiences will also fall in love with the competing designers, who are truly the heart of Dress me up. I was impressed with the looks they were able to create, especially with all the twists and turns we had in store for them.

Contestants on the show include Keiandrea Daniels, Veejay Floresca, Michael Shead, Rey Ortiz, McCauley Star, Afaf Seyam, Jessica West, Todd Fisher, Julissa Peralta, Cierra Zacchaeus and Traviance Dunn.

All episodes of Dress me up premieres July 23 on Hulu.




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