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Hoka July 4, 2024 Sale

Hoka July 4, 2024 Sale


There are plenty of great items in Hoka's 4th of July sale right now, so if you've been waiting to get your hands on a pair of sneakers from the cult brand, you're in luck. Most of the brand's shoes cost upwards of $140, but you can get popular styles like Hoka Clifton 8 and the Hoka Carbon X 3 for up to 40% off during the holidays. Just keep in mind that some of these deals end on Thursday, July 4th, so don't wait too long if you see what you want.

Known for their comfort, support, and unique style, Hoka shoes rank high in many of our buying guides, like the best walking shoes for men, the best walking shoes for women, and the best travel shoes for women, to name a few. Below, we've rounded up the best Hoka 4th of July sales you can shop right now.

Hoka's Best 4th of July Sales at a Glance

Hoka Women's 4th of July Deals:

Hoka Men's 4th of July Deals:

Hoka's Best 4th of July Sales

Despite the publication of the Hoka Clifton 9 In 2023, the Clifton 8 has remained a popular model. Its lightweight design and plush cushioning make the shoe a great option for everything from walking around the block to running your first marathon. This great price has been available for a while now, but once current stock runs out, Hoka is unlikely to restock it.

With a wide midsole and extended rocker, the Bondi X offers excellent stability, making it another solid style for runners. The peach colorway pictured is currently the only style on sale, and sizes are limited. That said, this sale is still a good opportunity to save if the shoe fits.

These popular hiking shoes are made of waterproof leather with a lightweight midsole and grippy outsole. (They're also backed by the American Podiatric Medical Association.) You can choose between two colorways to get the discounted price.

Designed for speed-focused training and racing, the Carbon X 3 features a lightweight foam midsole, responsive metarocker, and breathable, performance knit construction. The overall result is a snug, propulsive sneaker. The colorway shown is currently on sale for 40% off in a wide range of sizes.

If you suffer from overpronation or underpronation (your foot rolls inward or outward when you run), Hoka designed the Gaviota 4 to help. The pair is only available in one colorway, but most sizes are still available.

We picked these sneakers as the best overall trail running shoes for their unbeatable traction and cushioning. The style is comfortable and supportive right out of the box, and collaborator Hannah Singleton says they shine the more you wear them. Right now, you can choose from 11 men's and 17 women's colorways.

If you’re planning a hike this summer, check out the Hoka Trail Code boot. The model features a rugged exterior with Gore-Tex waterproofing and a plush insole that will keep you dry and supported mile after mile. Eight colors are on sale for nearly $50 off directly from Hoka.

Ideal for running, the Arahi 6 is designed with a breathable upper and maximum cushioning and support. It also uses Hokas' proprietary J-Frame to help correct overpronation. The men's model is available in all five colorways, but sizes are limited in some colors.

Take on snowy hikes in these ultra-soft hiking boots. The Hoka Kaha 2 offers plenty of support, waterproof materials, and a grippy outsole that will get you through intense conditions. This discount comes in three colors (and for a slightly lower price than we saw over Memorial Day weekend).

Serious runners will get the most out of the Hoka Mach 5. The shoe is equally suited for everyday training or tempo miles. It’s designed with a low-profile construction and minimal cushioning for a responsive, lightweight feel underfoot. Eight colors are currently available, but sizes are limited in most options.




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