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Zayn Malik's Latest Photoshoot Is Set To Give Indian Men Major Style Goals

Zayn Malik's Latest Photoshoot Is Set To Give Indian Men Major Style Goals
Zayn Malik's Latest Photoshoot Is Set To Give Indian Men Major Style Goals


Singer and former One Direction favorite Zayn Malik has done his fans a favor by gracing the cover of Harper's Bazaar India. Sporting traditional Indian attire by designer Manish Malhotra, Zayn manages to bring an old-world charm to contemporary fashion. For fans who survive on the scraps of his notoriously private life, this photoshoot and accompanying interview couldn't have come sooner.

For the cover shoot, Zayn gets four out of four in his signature looks: a black bandhgala jacket and pants, an embellished blazer paired with a shirt and pants, an embroidered green coat with a velvet pantsuit and an ornate blue sherwani with a matching kurta and pajama. The blue sherwani, in particular, had his fans going crazy online, much like when they lost their minds over that strand of hair that fell carelessly across his forehead on the red carpet over a decade ago. That strand of hair still has its own fan pages.

The first image shows Zayn wearing a black bandhgala jacket, which features a closed collar, button fastenings on the front, intricate floral embroidery in sequins and threads, padded shoulders and long sleeves. He completes it all with a black shirt and eye-catching cufflinks.

Next, Manish Malhotra wears a black sequined blazer, also by Manish Malhotra, with padded shoulders, a button-up front and a slim fit. He pairs it with a black shirt, sleek black pants and Christian Louboutin dress shoes.

For his third look, Zayn wears a blue velvet sherwani jacket with an open front, a mandarin collar and white thread leaf embroidery. The jacket, which also features padded shoulders and long sleeves, is paired with a matching blue bandhagala kurta and trousers.

The fourth and final ensemble features a green velvet bandhgala jacket with floral patterns, paired with a matching silk shirt and velvet pants. A sleek watch, Christian Louboutin shoes, and earrings complete the look. Throughout the shoot, Zayn wears minimal jewelry, including statement rings and earrings, to achieve a look that is very much his own: subtle yet impactful.

Despite his tattoos and undeniable charisma, the singer’s personal style has evolved beyond skinny jeans and leather jackets. “It doesn’t matter what section my clothes come from, as long as they fit me, and I love them! I like to express myself through my clothes,” he told Harper’s Bazaar India in an exclusive interview. “You don’t have to stick to a genre or a specific style. You can always change it up depending on how you feel and what you want to express.” For Zayn, fashion is a tool to lift his spirits. “If I’m having a bad day, I dress to feel better,” he noted. “If we can use fashion as a tool to make ourselves feel better, why not?”

THE PILLOW TALK The singer has a new solo album called, Room under the stairswhere he mixes R&B with Americana and folk music while paying homage to his Pakistani roots. “It all started when I wrote Alienated “About six years ago, I wrote something I didn’t know I had in me,” Zayn told Harper’s Bazaar India. “Once I unlocked that potential and realised I liked where the sound was going, I wanted to create more. I think my daily environment helped shape the music I created and made it easy to embrace.”

THE I don't want to live forever The rap singer, often known for his private life, has opened up more to his fans. “My relationship with my fans is constantly evolving, like every relationship in my life. I'm growing and learning,” he confessed. “I wouldn't be where I am today without them.” At 31, Zayn acknowledges the unwavering support of his fans while working to redefine himself beyond their expectations.

Despite recently performing his first concert in eight years, Zayn’s pre-show ritual is refreshingly simple: He brushes his teeth. “No weird or unusual rituals. I did a soundcheck and hung out with my friends until it was time to go on stage,” he said. His new album reflects that stripped-down approach, with warm vocals set against strumming guitars. Yes, he stepped away from the spotlight, but for good reason: He was busy creating something brilliant.

The new album, sans co-vocalists, is a deeply personal project. “I wrote the lyrics for 12 of the 15 songs, I co-produced it and I'm incredibly proud of it. I didn't feel like another artist was needed to tell my story at this point.” The album marks Zayn's emphatic return to the spotlight. “I'm always working on projects, and this is the first of many.” Room under the stairs “It's a record that's really close to my heart and that I'm passionate about. It was my diary, my point of view and my story.”

The teenage boy band member known for their catchphrase “Vas Happenin'” has gone missing. Feeling grown up, Zayn has traded the English air of Bradford for a farm in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. The river getaway has become home for the musician, who loves gardening with his daughter and showing her his vegetable garden. While he loves his secluded little slice of paradise, he reassures his fans that there's more to come. “I think my next goal, both personally and professionally, is to get back on tour and find a good balance between the road and home. I've never done a solo tour before and it's a big step, but I'm ready and I'm grateful to everyone for their patience. It's about time!”

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