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Emergency shelters need personal care items and clothing for the people they serve

Emergency shelters need personal care items and clothing for the people they serve
Emergency shelters need personal care items and clothing for the people they serve


In 2023, St. Vincent welcomed 4,352 men, women and children into the shelter, with an average of 530 guests each night, including an average of 79 children.

While many aspects of shelter services have evolved and changed over the years, one thing remains constant: the dedication and commitment of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul to those in need, said Jackie Scott, associate director of mission advancement. Our mission is to accompany, with a Christian lens, those in need, one person at a time, with a focus on shelter, food and clothing.

She says the key word is accompaniment. We want everyone who comes to us, regardless of their background, circumstances or choices, to know that they are not alone, that they have dignity and that they are loved, she adds. The support of our caring community makes this work possible through financial donors, supporters who donate personal items and the thousands of volunteers who give their time each year. It’s incredible to see the good that can be done when we come together to love one another.

Donations of personal items are particularly important, whether new or gently used.

Most guests arrive with very little, so clothing and shoes are important needs that must be met immediately, Scott said. Personal hygiene items are essential for personal hygiene and dignity, and we use them up quickly in hot weather. We deeply appreciate the many ways our community cares for those seeking assistance with their basic human needs.

Here's what they need right now:

  • Hair brushes
  • Deodorant
  • Baby wash
  • Baby wipes
  • Nail clipper
  • Toothbrushes for children
  • African American Hair Care Products
  • Underwear (New – Men, Women & Kids) (All Sizes)
  • Socks
  • Shower gel
  • Lotion
  • Disposable razors and shaving cream

Donations can be dropped off 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at the Shelter for Women and Families, 120 West Apple St., on the edge of downtown Dayton. Call 937-222-5555 for more information.

Other ways to help

  • Currently, the greatest need for volunteers is at the St. Vincent de Paul Gettysburg Men's Shelter, where volunteers are needed to: serve lunch or dinner. Volunteer lunch service runs daily for 2-4 volunteers from 11:30am to 1pm and dinner service runs from 6:30pm to 8pm also for 2-4 volunteers. Help is especially needed Thursday through Sunday for each service. To register, visit and fill out an information form.
  • Monetary donations are always appreciated. A donation of $38 can provide shelter, food and clothing to one person for one night:


Meredith Moss writes about Dayton area nonprofits and their specific needs. If your group has a wish list to share with our readers, contact Meredith: [email protected]. Please include a daytime phone number and a photo that reflects your group’s mission.




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