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Susan Sarandon's Daughter Eva Shamelessly Defends Her Low-Cut Wedding Dress

Susan Sarandon's Daughter Eva Shamelessly Defends Her Low-Cut Wedding Dress
Susan Sarandon's Daughter Eva Shamelessly Defends Her Low-Cut Wedding Dress


When you're a celebrity, the world can have strong opinions about just about everything you do. From who you date, to how you dress, to how you carry yourself. choose to educate your childrenCelebrities are often victims of online attacks for no good reason.

More recently, Susan Sarandonher daughter Eva Amurian actress and lifestyle bloggerreceived criticism from her followers for wearing a busty wedding dress.

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Such a tacky and classless wedding dress, wrote one user in the comments section on Instagram. We know you have them!!!!! wrote another commenter. You don't have to display them on a platter!!! Ouch!!!

As a reminder, Amurri tied the knot with chef Ian Hock in a beautiful, intimate wedding in New York's Hudson Valley on June 29.

While chronicling her big day on Instagram Stories, Amurri shared how joyous the occasion was and unapologetically responded to all the hate.

She wrote on her Instagram stories that she had so much to share about the day and that she had so many thoughts to share. But it was truly the most special day, filled with so much love and incredible energy.

And to anyone who might be outraged that my boobs aren't tucked away, she wrote. Feel free to screenshot this for later. For the second part of her sentence, Amurri included a zoomed-in photo of her boobs in the tight corset dress.

For her big day, Amurri wore a Kim Kassas embroidered strapless gown with an attached puffy skirt that she purchased from Bridal Reflections in New York City.

I love its vintage side and its ultra feminine side without being too baggy, said Amurri People about her look. I wanted to feel sexy but elegant, and I think the dress strikes the perfect balance.

As long as she's happy with her wedding and her wedding dress, isn't that all that matters?

Wet Knots It's hard to put into words what Saturday was like, other than to say “magical,” Amurri celebrated. Instagram next to the pictures of her big day. The rain was unwelcome but perfect. We were surrounded by so much love. The day felt like time had stopped for us. Joy was abundant. So many tears of joy. Our families came together in a perfectly imperfect bubble of love and memories. We laughed so much. We danced. Renewal was in the air.

Congratulations to the newlyweds !

Before you go, click here to see all the celebrities who had secret weddings.

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