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15 Best Cocktail Dresses for Older Women in 2024

15 Best Cocktail Dresses for Older Women in 2024


Striking tint

MM.LaFleur The Priya dress

The Priya dress

The draped silhouette of this cowl-neck dress won't just flatter your figure, but it's made from wrinkle-resistant fabric, so you'll never have to worry about looking awkward. And that tangerine hue? Bold, but not too flashy.

A buyer raves: “This is a gem of a dress. Very simple, understatedly elegant and the bias cut sits on the body in a very flattering way. The fabric is lightweight, but has enough weight to it to drape beautifully. I feel great in this dress, and like many of my MMLF pieces, it is very well made.”

Material: 100% Polyester

Size range: XS-XXL

Colors: 4

Nice pleating

Eileen Fisher Crinkled Silk Ruffle A-Line Midi Dress

Tiered A-line Crinkled Silk Midi Dress

Lightweight, comfortable and flowy, this pleated silk dress is one you can wear practically anywhere this summer.

A buyer says: “This is the most flattering dress I’ve worn in years. It’s so light it feels like you’re wearing nothing, but it skims the body to show off your shape without accentuating any flaws. The shoes you wear will determine how dressy this dress is on the day you wear it. It can be anything.”

Material: 100% silk

Size range: XXS-3X

Colors: 3

Color blocking

Carolina Herrera Tricolor Belted Midi Sheath Dress

Tricolor mid-length sheath dress with belt

Credit: Moda Operandi, Inc.

This color-blocked dress is perfect for office workdays, but it's even more suitable for any type of cocktail party. Just change the accessories and you'll be on top.

Material: 92% polyester, 8% polyurethane

Size range: 0-10

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Markarian Metallic Floral Brocade Corset Midi Dress

Metallic Floral Brocade Corset Midi Dress

Markarian offers dresses that can seamlessly transition from cocktail to formal. Consider this midi pencil dress: the multi-colored blue metallic floral brocade paired with the body-hugging pencil silhouette makes it timeless.

Material: 91% polyester, 9% metallic fibers

Size range: 0-16

Fitted and flared cut

Kay Unger – Amari Crepe Cocktail Dress

Amari Crepe Cocktail Dress

Between its mid-length cut and its bateau neckline that elegantly exposes your collarbones, this Kelly green cocktail dress is a winner all round.

Material: 88% polyester, 12% elastane

Size range: 0-16

The event's workhorse

Tuckernuck Poppy Red Blythe Dress

Blythe Poppy Red Dress

Here's an example of a mini dress that's perfectly suited to cocktail parties. The hemline hits mid-calf, but the ruffled mock-neck silhouette and flared shape make this modest style ideal for just about any event on your calendar. And if that's not enough to convince you, the dress has nearly 600 reviews to back it up.

A buyer raves: “I can't even begin to describe how perfect this dress is! The bright red color is eye-catching, but the simple shape is flattering on any figure. The high neckline with the little ruffle gives the most flattering line and the bow on the back ruffle is elegant but gives the back of the dress the perfect detail.”

Material: 97% polyester, 3% elastane

Size range: XXS-XXXL

Colors: 4

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Waist slimming

Donna Karan V-Neck A-Line Dress with Tie Belt

V-neck trapeze dress with tie belt

Donna Karan offers a wide selection of elegant, modest, and conservative, yet not at all outdated, formal dresses. This champagne gown, made from lightweight gauze, falls just below the knee and has a contrasting tie belt that cinches your figure. Pair it with gold jewelry like the model here, and you'll be a sight to behold.

Material: Gauze

Size range: 2-14

Little black dress

Donna Karan Backless Dress

Halter Neck Dress

A little black dress is a year-round wardrobe staple. We know that. However, for a little black dress to really stand out, you'll want to look for one that's designed with thoughtful details. Take this style, for example. It's minimalist, but it also features a figure-hugging silhouette with flattering ruching and a chained halter neckline. See what I'm saying?

Material: Serge

Size range: 2-14


Aidan Mattox by Adrianna Papell Floral Lace Trim Mesh Cocktail Dress

Mesh cocktail dress with floral lace trim

This bodycon cocktail dress features sheer mesh panels with floral lace details, allowing the wearer to show off their skin in an elegant way.

A buyer says:”I can't say enough about it. It fits perfectly, is comfortable, stylish, sexy and can be worn in any setting from work to a wedding to a church party. Absolutely gorgeous!”

Material: 95% polyester, 5% elastane

Size range: 0-14

Colors: 3

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Alex Evenings Sequin Lace and Corded Cocktail Dress

Sequin Lace Cocktail Dress

A sequin dress is always a good idea, especially when it's as flattering as this refined style.

A buyer says: “Great quality and flattering style. Holds rolls!”

Material: 55% rayon, 40% nylon, 5% spandex

Size range:4-16P

Colors: 2

Figure formation

Norma Kamali Diana One Shoulder Ruched Asymmetrical Dress

Diana One Shoulder Ruched Asymmetrical Dress

A hit with women of all ages, this one-shoulder dress features a built-in bodysuit that comfortably hugs the body and ruching that conceals the areas of your body you'd rather not expose.

A buyer says: “A truly amazing dress! I bought this dress after giving birth when I wasn't feeling very comfortable in my body. It's form fitting in all the right places to give you shape, and the ruching hides what you don't want to show off. The perfect kind of stretch to fit my body at that time. This review was provided as part of an incentive program.”

Material: 95% polyester, 5% elastane

Size range: XS-XL

Statement maker

Rickie Freeman Sleeveless Ruffled Crepe Dress

Sleeveless crepe dress with ruffles

Just because you're a certain age doesn't mean you can't stand out. This magenta dress with a ruffle top is classic, but it's sure to turn heads at every event you're invited to.

Material: Polyester

Size range: 0-10

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Flowers without season

Erdem floral silk midi dress

Floral silk midi dress

There are summer florals, bright, lively and colorful, and winter florals, richer and more sober. This pretty Erdem dress falls right in the middle: the main periwinkle color combined with moody purple florals makes this piece timeless.

Material: 100% silk

Size range: United Kingdom6-United Kingdom20

From day to night

Boden Organza Strapless Formal Dress

Organza strapless formal dress

Sometimes you want a dress that will take you from Sunday brunch to the office to cocktails without a second thought. This strappy dress from Boden (a favorite among older women!) is that dress.

Material: 100% Polyester

Size range: 0-22


Ralph Lauren Cape Georgette Cocktail Dress

Cape Georgette Cocktail Dress

Add a touch of drama to your outfit with this sleek bodycon silhouette accented with a cascading cape. It's a conversation piece, but in the best way possible.

A buyer says: “This dress is so beautiful. I wore it to a cocktail party. It’s so feminine and classy. People really responded to it. It’s also really comfortable to wear and I like that it covers you up a bit in case it gets a little chilly. I love this dress for sure.”

Material: Polyester

Size range: 00-18

Colors: 5

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Portrait of Sophie Dweck

Sophie Dweck is the assistant shopping editor for Town & Country, where she covers beauty, fashion, home and decor, and more.

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