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Woman killed in robbery gone wrong at Fashion Island in Newport Beach

Woman killed in robbery gone wrong at Fashion Island in Newport Beach


A quiet summer afternoon at the upscale Fashion Island mall in Newport Beach turned violent Tuesday, with a woman killed after a botched robbery attempt.

Two men stopped the 69-year-old woman and her husband near the Barnes & Noble bookstore in the mall, authorities said. Shots were fired, but police said no one was hit by bullets.

The couple was walking in Fashion Island when they were approached by the two men, who attempted to rob them, according to Sergeant Steven Oberon of the Newport Beach Police Department.

A fight broke out and the woman was dragged across a parking lot before being hit by the suspect's white Toyota Camry. Oberon said the woman's husband was not injured.

The victims were not immediately identified.

After the incident, police pursued the suspects, a chase that took them into Los Angeles County. Authorities reported the Camry reached speeds of 110 mph as it traveled north. A television helicopter captured the car careening onto the left shoulder of the 105 Freeway and at one point brushing the concrete median.

During the chase, the fleeing driver allegedly let at least one accomplice out before fleeing with another man. The pair eventually jumped out of the car in South Gate, fleeing on foot around Harding and Hoover avenues, according to police and video of the chase aired on several local television stations.

Footage released by the press showed that a shirtless man was arrested minutes after jumping out of the driver's side of the car. Three suspects were eventually taken into custody.

The shooting happened shortly after 3:30 p.m. Tuesday in what is known as a normally quiet shopping center, located on a bluff above the ocean in the wealthy coastal community.

The Newport Beach Fire Department said it found a person dead in the parking lot adjacent to the bookstore.

Around 4 p.m., authorities asked nearby residents to avoid the mall while they investigated the incident. Police were seen on scene guiding the public to safety, and helicopters were flying overhead.

A woman shopping in the area Tuesday described the situation as chaos. She said she was from Los Angeles and was grateful for the quick response from police. She declined to give her name.

A young man who asked not to be identified said he was at Cucina enoteca on Fashion Island when the incident happened.

About 20 people were running around shouting, “Someone is shooting! They've locked us in the restaurant,” he said.

“That’s not the case in Newport Beach,” Mayor Will O’Neill told KCAL-9 News. “Fashion Island is an incredibly safe place. This is a tragedy and I’m furious.”

City News Service contributed to this report. Winton and Rainey are staff writers at The Times. Nguyen and Hoffman are staff writers at The Daily Pilot, a sister publication of The Times.




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