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Paige DeSorbo Criticized for See-Through Dress at Friend's Wedding: 'A Dismal Fail!'

Paige DeSorbo Criticized for See-Through Dress at Friend's Wedding: 'A Dismal Fail!'


This is no ordinary wedding guest dress.

Paige DeSorbo, 31, sparked some controversy Tuesday after post pictures of the sheer lace ensemble she wore to a friend's wedding this weekend.

“The most beautiful wedding I've ever been to,” she captioned the series of photos, adding several shots of the black and sheer design, which not only featured a corset top, but also a sheer skirt with a thigh-high slit that showed off her knickers.

Paige DeSorbo sparked some controversy after posting photos of her wedding guest dress. paige_desorbo/Instagram
The reality TV star wore a corseted design for her friend's big day. paige_desorbo/Instagram
The piece also included a sheer lace skirt that showed off her panties. paige_desorbo/Instagram
She paired it with a black clutch, pumps and minimalist jewelry. paige_desorbo/Instagram

The Summer House star kept it simple, pairing the piece with black pumps, a matching clutch and minimal jewelry. But while she indulged in old Hollywood glamour, wearing her long hair in waves and parting it to the side, fans were still unsure if her daring, pantless outfit was appropriate.

Amazing look, but a little competitive with the bride, one person commented, while another agreed. Usually I'm a fan of all your looks, but this one just wasn't appropriate for a wedding.

Some came to DeSorbos' defense, pointing out how beautiful she was and noting that the event took place in the summer heat of Italy, but others were unconvinced.

Fans wondered if the bold design was appropriate for the event. paige_desorbo/Instagram
Amazing look, but a little competitive with the bride, one person wrote. paige_desorbo/Instagram

Wow, a black sheer lace dress for an outdoor wedding!! A total fail! So inappropriate for the occasion, someone wrote.

However, DeSorbo isn't the only one who's worn a controversial wedding guest outfit.

In 2021, Kendall Jenner made headlines after she showed up to her friends' big day in a cut-out, body-baring dress.

DeSorbo is no stranger to revealing outfits, recently wearing a sheer-paneled dress to the “Summer House” reunion. Getty Images for Daily Front Row

The “Giggly Squad” podcast host is also no stranger to showing a little skin.

She recently revealed the inspiration behind the sheer paneled white dress she wore to the Summer House season 8 reunion, telling Page Six, “Zendaya is my lord and savior. I follow her religion. So whenever I have to do a party look, I always ask myself, ‘What would Zendaya wear?’”

We'll need the “Dune” star's opinion on this one.




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