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BET Awards 2024: Men's Edition

BET Awards 2024: Men's Edition


The 2024 BET Awards showcased a range of men's looks from classic tailoring to bold, edgy styles.

Usher attends 2024 BET AwardsUsher attends 2024 BET Awards

After causing a sensation in Milan during Men's Fashion Week, Bailiff showed us what he learned at the BET Awards. The singer, clearly inspired by the Ralph Lauren Collectionopted for a tailored jacket paired with relaxed jeans, creating a juxtaposition of sophistication and casual style. However, the intentionally distressed look of his jeans didn't sit well with me. While I love the idea of ​​mixing tailoring with denim, the execution with distressed denim left me wanting a more polished finish. Bailiff completed his set with striking pieces from AZLEE Jewelry.

Jay Ellis attends 2024 BET AwardsJay Ellis attends 2024 BET Awards

Jay Ellis appeared on the red carpet with a similar idea but executed it with high finesse. Wearing a Todd Snyder blazer and shirt with Levi's jeans, The Jays The look exuded a refined yet relaxed vibe, enhanced by David Yurman jewelry. We should not be surprised by The Jays efforts, as the actor has always been known for his timeless elegance. I love how effortlessly he pulled off this look, demonstrating how to balance tailored sophistication with laid-back cool. I hope Usher was taking notes.

Wyclef Jean attends 2024 BET AwardsWyclef Jean attends 2024 BET Awards

Wyclef Jean brought a summery feel to the event with her tonal yellow outfit, complete with a touch of Haitian flair. Her ensemble captured the essence of the season while paying homage to her cultural roots, making for a standout look.

2 Chainz to Attend 2024 BET Awards2 Chainz to Attend 2024 BET Awards

Rapper 2 chains looked more like a rocker in this studded leather outfit which was completed with Balenciagas distinctive Rhino derby shoes, creating a look that is both bold and elegant. True to its name, 2 Chainz The accessories went beyond the ordinary, proving his flair for the dramatic.

Gunna attends 2024 BET AwardsGunna attends 2024 BET Awards

Vests emerged as one of the trending pieces at the event. Gunna I adopted it while wearing a AMIRI Fall 2024 outfit that combines clean lines with a bold touch. Her flared pants with fine stripes and AMIRI Jumbo loafers have given birth to a sophisticated and cool ensemble.

AMIRI Fall 2024
Vic Mensa attends 2024 BET Awards Vic Mensa attends 2024 BET Awards

Vic Mensa I also opted for a look of the AMIRI Fall 2024 collection. While the individual elements of his outfit were striking, the combination, especially the heavy velvet jacket, felt a bit disjointed. I wish he had kept the crystal mesh tank top and yellow tailored flared pants and added a lighter shoe or even sneakers that could have tied the look together, potentially making it one of the best of the night.

AMIRI Fall 2024

Credits: / Getty

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