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90s Celebrity Outfits to Wear Now

90s Celebrity Outfits to Wear Now
90s Celebrity Outfits to Wear Now


Even though younger generations may now refer to the '90s as “the good old days,” the clothes we wore during the days of Lunchables, Furbies, and TGIF TV shows continue to resurface. Yes, '90s fashion is in, with items like maxi coats, pencil skirts, and bucket hats finding their way back into our closets.

Today's celebrities love retro looks (Hailey Bieber, for example, helped revive pieces like oversized shorts and micro tanks), but rather than taking inspiration from that group of style icons, we're looking to the decade's “It” girl group for everyday '90s outfit ideas. From Gwyneth Paltrow's leather pants to Janet Jackson's overalls, check out all the '90s fashion you can (and should) wear today—and in the future.

Thick knits

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Cool weather often makes for a cozy, chunky knit. If you're wondering how to make this oversized sweater cute, follow Cameron Diaz's lead and pair it with a simple skirt.

Transparent suit with buttons and skirt

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Basics don't have to be boring. Halle Berry proved that decades ago when she left her collared shirt unbuttoned at the bottom and added boots to her timeless skirt suit.

Straight cut turtleneck jeans

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Courtney Cox is the epitome of understated beauty. Here, she proves that casual is cool. With just a few wardrobe staples—a black turtleneck, straight-leg jeans, a belt, and sleek black boots—you've got an outfit that works just as well in 1995 as it does today.

Tube Top and Duster

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A tube top, a long coat and black pants? We could easily imagine Bella Hadid wearing a similar Kate Hudson-inspired ensemble today.

Oversized coat and high boots

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Today, this loose top and tight bottom combination is known as “jellyfishing,” but Brandy was wearing it long before the combination had a cute name.

Leather pants

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To be honest, we'd still wear most of Gwyneth Paltrow's '90s outfits (her wardrobe from that decade was spot-on), but we have a particular soft spot for leather pants. She paired them with a long-sleeved tee for a Giorgio Armani party in 1996.

Matching set

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We're big fans of pre-made ensembles and can't resist a fuzzy-trimmed cardigan over a backless dress. Jennifer Lopez, it's time to repeat this 1998 red carpet confection.

T-shirt and nightie skirt

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For much of the '90s, fashion was both simple and refined. Consider Claire Danes' versatile T-shirt and silk skirt, which could be dressed up with strappy heels or worn down with sneakers.

Little black dress

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A little black dress will always be a wardrobe staple, but spaghetti straps give it a nod to the '90s. When putting together your LBD outfit, channel Jennifer Aniston's 1997 style by keeping your accessories minimal and topping off your look with strappy heels.

Shiny coat

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There's a lot to love about Mary J. Blige's '90s outfit, from her sparkly jacket to her oversized sunglasses. However, we're also fans of a solid color palette (the on-trend purple hue) and are now inspired to incorporate even more monochrome outfits into our rotation.

Distressed leather jacket

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Distressed leather jackets were a favorite of the '90s alternative era, and this over-the-top outfit worn by Winona Ryder is one that endures in fashion history. Today, layering is even more versatile and comes in many shapes and sizes (moto, blazers, oversized, etc.), instantly adding punch to everything below.

Bralette and tracksuit

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On days when you can't decide between comfort and fashion, do like Aaliyah and do both. The late singer took the stage at KMEL's All Star Jam in 1997 wearing an oversized sweatsuit, but also embraced the “flossing” trend by wearing a strappy top underneath.

Cargo pants and bucket hat

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Britney Spears' bob may be controversial (not everyone is a fan of the style), but we'd wear these cargo pants in a heartbeat. Plus, her pink tee is a subtle take on Barbiecore.


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If you're still wondering how to wear overalls, Janet Jackson's outfit at the 1994 MTV Video Music Awards is the perfect inspiration. She gave her own loose-fitting pair a casual, sporty twist by adding a baseball cap and chunky shoes.

Floral dress and white sandals

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Katherine Heigl's floral dress and white sandals would always make a cute summer outfit, and it doesn't hurt that the combo reminds us of what she wore in the cult classic '90s film, Make a wish upon a star.

T-shirt and blazer

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It's no surprise that Julia Roberts' classic '90s outfits are always being revisited by models like Emily Ratajkowski. We're particularly loving this casual jeans and tee look, which was immediately finished off with the addition of a structured blazer.

Off the shoulder dress

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Between that off-the-shoulder neckline, sheer sleeves, and dangling earrings, it's safe to say that Mariah Carey provided us with the perfect cocktail outfit inspiration for a wedding guest years ago.

Dress with a halter top

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Although Salma Hayek famously wore this white halter dress on the red carpet in 1997, we've seen plenty of modern cotton copies that are perfect for a sexy summer night out.

Cardigan and oversized pants

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Is this Meg Ryan or Kendall Jenner? Given that the model loves baggy pants, we could easily imagine her wearing the same style when she goes out.

Crop Top and Cut Off Jeans

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Once summer rolls around, break out your trusty denim shorts. It's the simplicity that ensures these bottoms remain timeless; all you need is a casual tee or, in Cindy Crawford's case, a crop top, before completing the look with your favorite pair of sneakers.

Bra top and wide pants

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We're not shy about coordinating our outfits with our friends, like TLC did in 1996. But even if we're going solo, we'd still be willing to copy these all-white outfits, featuring bra tops, wide-leg pants, and matching jackets.

Sports jersey and cycling shorts

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Pamela Anderson's '90s style will forever be on our mood board. This athleisure look solves many summer fashion dilemmas, whether you're looking for ways to wear bike shorts or wondering how to style a sports jersey.




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