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This Old Navy Dress Looks Like a J.Crew Dress That Costs 4 Times More

This Old Navy Dress Looks Like a J.Crew Dress That Costs 4 Times More


I will be the first to admit that I am a J Crew I'm hooked. I order from the retailer at least once a month. I'm proud to say I have Gold status in their rewards program (which also includes free expedited shipping on every order), and if I had to guess, over 50% of my wardrobe comes from J.Crew.

Now, even though I really like the brand, I can admit that sometimes the prices are a little out of reach. I usually stock up during sales (like right now, when tons of summer items are 50% off and markdowns are an extra 60% off), but every now and then there's a style that I covet and it's not far behind. Recently, it was this gorgeous floral print fitted and flared midi dress.

J Crew

When it comes to dresses, the midi is my favorite. At 5'5″, this length hits right between my knee and ankle, and the style works well with heels and flats alike. I particularly liked this pick from J.Crew because of its floral print; the colors are a bit unexpected, which makes it feel extra special. I could go on and on about all the reasons why I love this dress, but the fact remains: $198 is too expensive for me.

$198 at J.Crew

At almost $200, I couldn't afford to spend that much on a single dress, even though I loved it. So, I went on a search for a dress that looked similar. After browsing countless dresses on countless websites, I came across this one Sleeveless Fit and Flare Midi Dress has Old Navy. The price? $45.

Old Navy

This popular Old Navy sheet set comes in seven colors. It's available in sizes XS to 4X in regular, large, and small, making it a great option for people of all shapes and sizes.

$45 at Old Navy

Old Navy isn't one of my favorite clothing stores, so before I took a chance, I read the reviews. Customers who bought the dress didn't just like it, they loved it!

“I always get compliments when I wear this dress,” one customer wrote at the beginning of their review.[It is] “Flattering style and true to size.”

Another person wrote: “The dress is perfect. It's very sexy in a modest way. It can be dressed up or down. [also] has pockets.”

As I read more and more rave reviews, I was convinced that this dress was worth a try. I ordered it in two colors and eagerly awaited its arrival. As soon as it was delivered, I immediately tried it on and was pleasantly surprised. Yes, it is as good as buyers say. The material is good quality, the midi silhouette is flattering, and there are so many ways to wear it.

If I had to complain about one thing, it would be that the dress is a little tight in the chest area. There is elastic in the back which helps, but it is still snug.

Other Old Navy customers agree with the fit issue. “It was a cute dress, but the linen blend had no stretch at all,” one person explained. “I had to return it, but a size up might have been better.”

So, am I happy with this Old Navy lookalike? Yes, absolutely! I've only had the dress for a month and have already worn it three times. Will I continue to stalk the J.Crew style in hopes it goes on sale? Also yes.

Old Navy

Flowy dresses look chic when it's hot and humid, and this linen-blend pick is no exception.[It’s] super comfortable on the hottest days. [I] “I love the soft, airy fabric,” one person commented.

$45 at Old Navy

The above reviews reflect the most recent versions at the time of publication.




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