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New Owners, Dress Code for Former Hillbilly Hotties Coffee Stands

From left, the McCaffery family, including Ruby, Chellce, Tyler and Jay, pose for a photo at Ruby's Espresso in Everett, Wash., on Tuesday, July 2, 2024. (Annie Barker/The Herald)

EVERETT — For more than a decade, the hot pink drive-in was the place to go for coffee with a touch of cleavage.

The only thing steaming now is the coffee.

What is happening ?

The landmark on 41st Street near Rucker Avenue is now painted white with sleek black trim. Baskets of flowers hang from the window. And the baristas don’t let anything show.

The former Hillbilly Hotties bikini barista stand has a new look and a new name.

Ruby's Espresso opens Thursday in Everett.

New owners Chellce and Tyler McCaffery have renamed the stand with the high-profile past.

A years-long legal saga involving a lawsuit filed by Hillbilly Hotties owner Jovanna Edge and several employees ended last year with a $500,000 settlement from the city. Edge's stand was in operation until a few weeks ago.

The Hillbilly Hotties’ legal quagmire dates back to 2009, when the city imposed a restrictive dress code after numerous complaints about baristas wearing nothing more than body paint, stickers, and thongs. The plaintiffs in a 2017 lawsuit against the city argued that it was unconstitutional and a violation of their rights. They sought more than $3 million and tried, unsuccessfully, to take the case to the U.S. Supreme Court. A federal district court judge agreed. In April, the Everett City Council changed its dress code for baristas to allow them to abide only by the city’s lewd conduct laws that apply to everyone else. In short, they can show plenty of flesh as long as some body parts are covered, at a minimum.

The McCafferys named Ruby's after their 3-week-old daughter. They have a few goals for the Everett stand.

“Clean up the city,” said Chellce, 26, holding Ruby in her arms Monday, days before the official inauguration. “And leave her a legacy when she’s older.”

“No disrespect, but I don't want her to work without clothes,” added Tyler, 32.

The couple, who also have son Jay, 2, stressed that they were not criticising bikini-clad baristas but had opted for a family-friendly stand.

“We're not really against anything,” Chellce said.

There are many other bikini stands in town, such as Teeny Bikini, Chicka Latte, and Ladybug Espresso.

Across from Ruby's on 41st Street, a coffee stand with dressed-up baristas has been operating for years.

Ruby's is a shopping center with a dry cleaner, a cheesesteak restaurant, and a supermarket that sells milk, beer, bongs, and adult DVDs.

Jared Hallgren, a cashier at the supermarket, said that regardless of what the barista wears, a coffee stand is good for his business. He expects Ruby's to thrive.

“They're pretty busy across the street,” he said.

On Monday morning, a middle-aged man in an SUV slowed to peer through the window of the freshly painted white coffee stand before quickly pulling away and turning into the driveway.

At that time, the Ruby panel was not yet installed.

A new drive-thru window offers a panoramic view of the interior, now white instead of bright pink. Bright syrup bottles line the wall. A basket of free lollipops is ready.

All employees and a manager are ready to serve, said Chellce, who has experience as a barista. Tyler is co-owner of the pool and spa construction company Amcon.

The couple was looking for a stand to buy when the first of three Hillbilly Hotties locations in the county went up for sale. After a renovation, that stand near Monroe opened as Ruby's in May.

A month later, they bought the Everett store and a stand on Highway 9. They hurried through renovations, undeterred by the birth of their namesake. All three Ruby's stores are white and have the look of a wholesome country cottage.

The Highway 9 stand opens Thursday, the same day as the Everett store.

The couple gets a taste of what's to come.

At Ruby's first booth, 16412 Trombley Road near Monroe, some guys expect to see skin.

People asked, “Why are you wearing clothes?” Tyler replied.

“Nobody was mean or upset,” Chellce added. “They all said, ‘Oh, okay.’”

Facebook photos from the Hillbilly Hotties pages showed scantily clad women in provocative poses.

“Are you cold today?” read one post in May, before Everett’s booth sold out. “Let Angela warm you up.”

Ruby's posts will focus on deals, such as $1.25 kids' hot chocolate or the Ruby Tuesday double-stamp day promotion.

The menu includes teas, energy drinks, cold brews and breakfast sandwiches.

Delivery projects with DoorDash and Uber Eats are in the works.

Expect to see more Ruby signs around the county.

“Other bikini barista stands are reaching out to us to buy stands,” he said. “It definitely brings a different smile to the community.”

Is there a person, place or thing that makes you wonder, “What’s going on?” Andrea Brown: 425-339-3443; [email protected]; Twitter: @reporterbrown.





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