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Vayder Hires Famed Fashion Designer Chaz Jordan as Creative Advisor


Vayder, the Los Angeles-based contemporary fashion brand, Jean Paige subsidiary, announced the appointment of the former founder of the 1989 studio Chaz Jordan34, as a creative advisor. The move coincides with Vayder's collaboration with world-renowned music management company Complete stopfurther strengthening their commitment to innovative fashion.

Vader offers a Los Angeles wardrobe staple of menswear pieces that combine timeless style with modern functionality. The collection showcases carefully selected fabrics and artisanal techniques, embodying elevated simplicity and understated luxury.

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Jordan, an American-born designer known for his luxurious and culturally resonant designs, presented his inaugural collection for Vader in June during an intimate unveiling at Paris Fashion Week. The launch, which took place on June 21 at Siena Parismarks a new chapter for Vayder under Jordan's creative direction.

“After more than a decade in the luxury industry, I am excited to see the magic we can create in the contemporary space,” said Chaz Jordan. Vayder founder Jon Geller echoed this enthusiasm, expressing confidence in Jordan’s vision and leadership: “When I met Chaz, our visions for the brand were very aligned, and I knew he was the person to creatively guide us into the future. His history in the luxury industry speaks for itself, and I look forward to sharing his vision of what the contemporary space can be.”

Chaz Jordan joined the fashion industry in 2012 after moving to Paris, where he attended school. At 22, he launched his first brand while working alongside Don C and Virgil Abloh. Two years later, he launched his second brand, IH NOM UH NIT, which went on to achieve global success and was acquired in 2018. Jordan has since launched several successful brands, including 1989 Studio, which debuted in 2021 and was sold earlier this year.

1989 Studio, the brainchild of Chaz Jordan, made a splash with its “Sunset High” runway show in summer 2023. The brand presented its FW24 collection during Milan Fashion Week, featuring innovations such as intricate laser-flocked denim, bejeweled denim classics and oversized silhouettes, with an emphasis on simplicity and luxury.

The official opening of the 1989 STUDIO showroom in Milan was a star-studded event, highlighted by a surprise performance by rapper Quavo. Marking a significant leap into a new era of simplicity and understated, modern luxury—often referred to as discrete luxury—this FW24 collection showcased a refined evolution of Jordan’s aesthetic. This Vayder collection features familiar techniques and silhouettes, embodying an elevated sense of sophistication, perfect for celebrity style.

As Vayder embarks on this new chapter with Chaz Jordan, the fashion world is eagerly awaiting the creative magic that will emerge from this dynamic partnership. With Vayder and Jordan debuting on shelves, the brand’s global retail partners like Selfridges, Saks Fifth Avenue, Bloomingdale’s and Nordstrom will offer relaxed, cool and modern silhouettes to contemporary fashion lovers.




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