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Paris Fashion Week Hyperoom SS25 Showroom Recap


During Paris Fashion Week, Hyperoom returned for the Spring/Summer 2025 season. In collaboration with the Summer Games, Hyperoom inaugurated its showroom in Paris at Helinox Headquartersbringing together Thug Club, Remagine and WHO DECIDES WAR. Held from June 22 to 25, the showroom, accessible by appointment only, presented the most recent collections of each brand.

Long-time Hyperroom collaborator THUG CLUB showed why they’ve become the bedrock of Seoul’s street culture in recent years. Founded by Min and Kwon, the duo continues to bring together a community of individuals who share the common goal of standing out and expressing themselves through everyday rebellion. Chinese sneaker brand remagine is a relatively new brand on the market. The brand’s name combines “remember” and “imagine” into one, conveying the brand’s quest for tradition and future. The independent brand showcased its hybrid derby, square toe, and various other models. Meanwhile, WHO DECIDES WAR continues to bring Ev Bravado and Tela D’Amore’s vision to life, housing a bold edge in streetwear, blending grunge, workwear, avant-garde, and couture into one. Continuing to build on its iconic denim silhouettes, the brand showcases its meticulously crafted pieces, expert garment aging, and multi-phase hand-dyeing, all with a keen attention to detail. The upcoming WHO DECIDES WAR collection will be available to the public in September.

Take a closer look at the brands present at the Hyperoom showroom at Paris Fashion Week SS25 below.

Thug Club

Presenting its SS25 collection titled “BIO SOLDIER,” Thug Club takes a more militaristic approach this time around. Envisioning a world where a group of elite individuals band together to create their own future in a post-apocalyptic, dystopian world, the collection uses unconventional recycled materials and metallic TC emblems to symbolize solidarity and determination.


The independent brand focuses on extracting classic elements from history and combining reality and imagination. By combining traditional elements of a shoe with futuristic designs, craftsmanship is at the forefront, exploring limitless possibilities through innovation and sustainability.

Hyperoom continues to seek new brand partners for upcoming Paris Fashion Weeks. Interested parties can contact [email protected].




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