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The Return of the Signet Rings – Ordinary Times


Signet ring

Conrad Faber of Kreuznach, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Those of us who take fashion seriously are accustomed to caring more about our own clothes than anyone else. The subtly different pattern on my blazer stands out to me like the sun, but no one else is likely to notice that it’s new. The one exception I’ve observed is my signet ring. Friends, colleagues, and passersby on the street are perplexed by this anachronistic piece of jewelry that I almost always wear on my right hand. What is this ring for? is the most common question. Others simply stare at the ring as if it were something you’d expect to find in a zoo.

I can't blame them, really.

The world of the well-dressed dandy is long gone, and while a few ties still exist, signet rings have been consigned to the dustbin of fashion, joining such illustrious comrades as the powdered wig and the decorative sword. However, this is a tragic mistake. These few champions of classic men’s style must answer the call to arms. We must go from store to store proclaiming the greatness of the signet ring to every person we meet. The battle of the signet ring may have been lost in recent decades, but the war can still be won.

Signet rings first appeared in ancient times as a way to identify individuals based on the use of their personal seal engraved on the surface of the ring. This practice, which continued into the 18th century, allowed others to positively identify the origin of correspondence, official documents, and messengers. However, as the need for seals to identify individuals faded, signet rings began to serve as decoration and accessories rather than having a practical function. Still, they retained their popularity as a form of self-expression until the post-war business world began to frown upon men's wardrobes that left too much of a mark on one's style and preferences. In other words, minimalism was in and accessories were out.

Yet there are signs that the monotony of menswear is starting to fade. President Joe Biden is the first president since Ronald Reagan to consistently wear a pocket square. One could chalk it up to age, but Biden is actually following the lead of influential news anchors, celebrities, and fashion designers. Similarly, famous actors and singers are increasingly breaking the mold of the single-breasted suit when they walk the red carpet and attend talk shows. While some male celebrities (like the pearl-clad Harry Styles) are taking this diversity trend too far, overall, these developments are encouraging and show that fashion is once again fulfilling the role it was always intended to do: provide a visual window into the soul of each individual. The return of the men’s signet ring could be a key element in revitalizing menswear.

Less permanent than a tattoo but more symbolic than a tie or blazer, signet rings have long been used to indicate the inner nature of their wearers.

Attitudes have changed and it would be good to bring the signet ring back into fashion. Like many other modern fashion items, it allows men to subtly represent their values ​​through their clothing. Wearing a family crest on your hand is a sign that you are proud of your roots and that you are linked to a long family tradition. A class ring does not signal your lineage but your intellectual heritage – it declares where you drank from the fountain of knowledge and gives an indication of the shape of your mind. Although it is even less common in the modern era, many people once wore signet rings engraved with only their initials. Wearing a ring of this type would indicate that you want to stand out as a person, perhaps without cutting yourself off from your past, but certainly without highlighting it.

However, the true virtue of a signet ring is that it is a form of self-expression that connects us to something greater than ourselves. Whether it is our family or a concept of autonomy, the signet ring is an opportunity to wear a permanent reminder of who we are. Just as wedding bands exist to remind a couple of their vows to one another, signet rings represent a special bond that we may need a constant reminder of. Ultimately, of course, style is a matter of personal preference. We should all dress in a way that makes us happy and reflects who we are, but as the world considers new accessories for the male wardrobe, we should all consider the signet ring as a top contender.




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