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Chappell Roan wows in unique hand-painted dress depicting the Garden of Eden


Chappell Roan has gained popularity in recent months for many reasons: her catchy pop songs, her extremely authentic approach to fame, and her constant references to drag culture. But until now, the 26-year-old singer hasn’t made a splash in the commercialized fashion world. The singer often takes a more DIY approach to her looks, keeping much of her creativity in-house or tapping small, independent designers for her one-of-a-kind ensembles, carving out her own path while her peers dress head-to-toe in household names. That could very well work in her favor.

Recently, Roan made an appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, and after embracing Swan Lake onstage for her interview and performance, she opted for a more ethereal ensemble backstage. posted on InstagramRoan showed off the draped, asymmetrical gown with a hand-painted bodice of greenery and roses that she donned after her first late-night show. The piece is by Caroline Zimbalist, a Parsons and Central Saint Martins graduate who describes himself As a traditional artist who studies fashion design, Zimbalist often uses bioplastics in her designs, a material that was used for Roan’s dress. Like much of Zimbalist’s work, this dress was also hand-painted, making it a one-of-a-kind piece of art.

Roan wore the dress with white fishnet leggings and black heels, keeping her swan makeup and curly white wig from her appearance on the show, transforming the singer into the walking embodiment of Eve in the Garden of Eden.

During her time on stage, Roan wore fellow indie designer Gunnar Deatherage to perform his new single Good Luck Babe. For her chat with Fallon, she turned to The Blonds, famous for their many onstage looks for pop stars, to cast her as the Black Swan. While Roan has been in the industry for a while, her recent boom will likely allow her to start working with more established brands, though hopefully she doesn't completely separate herself from the DIY aesthetic and indie labels that supported her before she exploded. If she finds herself front row at next year's NYFW, we can't help but think there's a place for her at more eclectic brands like Collina Strada, Anna Sui, and Wiederhoeft.

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NBC/NBCUniversal/Getty Images




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